The two version of Earth
Since 2012, when the being inside Earth called Gaia went into the next phase of her awakening, and the being called Pi took over the main position of the planetary host, the planetary energy range has been going through a massive transformation.
There was always a great deal of muddy messy energy on the bottom of our planetary range (and I do not mean Nature, that energy might be “low” but it is harmonious – I am talking about the “slow” messy human control patterns and collective unconscious victimhood mostly). That lower unconscious energy had many human beings playing in it… The faster frequencies of this dimension were much less occupied by people. All of this comprised a singular system of 3-D Earth.
Since Pi arrived into the planet back in 2013, the faster energies of 3-D are becoming even faster, while the slower energies are becoming slower. This has generated a very unusual situation – sort of “two earths”: one of the lower 3-D range, one of the higher 3-D range.
The Higher 3-D Earth is the new state of being that we all have been waiting for – it is in alignment with the universal energies of harmony and it is synchronized with the 4-D and 5-D consciousness states. The Lower 3-D Earth is in density, duality and separation.
Most people who have unfinished karma with Gaia, or who have not attempted yet to become an individual Self (and thus do not possess a conscious Soul), could not enter into the Higher 3-D Earth.
These “two earths” of course co-exist in the same material space, both anchored in the atomic structure of our planet. They differ by the range of consciousness, not the location.
The separation of these “two earths” has been gradual but intensely felt over the course of the past 2 years. It began on March 21st 2013, then proceeded to change through 2014, and stabilized as two separate realities in 2015. Since then we’ve been existing as two very different in consciousness worlds.
This means that now one can experience essentially two separate realities here on Earth in the 3rd dimension – in one there is violence, fear, control, confusion, desire for satisfaction, sexual hunger, competition and right/wrong way of thinking, while in the other one there is peace, stillness and connectedness, cooperation and desires are harmoniously attuned to the Universe and are of the Soul nature. It is your choice which plane you tune into and vibrate with.
Many people on the planet right now do not have an option of vibrating with the Higher 3-D Earth because their consciousness cannot match that frequency yet. It will in time. Meanwhile all of us who can, must vibrate at peaceful inner stillness in order to remain in the Higher 3-D Earth. It is very easy to slide down into the Lower 3-D Earth simply through joining in that level of perception – based on fears, separation, and right/wrong thinking, so remain vigilant about your thoughts, feelings and actions.
When I speak of dimensions, I do not mean spatial dimensional axis, but the different planes of existence, numbered 1 through 12 (or 1 through 7 in the case of Earth’s simulation), counting from the bottom up.
This planetary simulation is seven-dimensional – our Earth has 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, 4-D, 5-D, 6-D and 7-D.
- We, the human beings, are in 3-D.
- Most of the manipulative (“lower astral”, as they are mistakenly called) entities are in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D, and some are in 4-D also.
- Most of the ascended masters (“ascended” as in “used to be human but were able to move to a higher plane of existence”) are in the upper range of 3-D, some in 4-D and few are in the 5-D.
- The Solar Council, who oversees the planetary situation, is in 4-D Agartha (located inside the Earth) and some of its members are in 5-D, although there are “ambassadors” who are of even higher dimensions (inside the Sun).
- The Kadishtu-allied beings (often called the Galactic Federation) who are related to Earth, are in 5-D, 6-D and 7-D of Earth and of this galaxy in general. But Kadishtu are not limited to our planet (as the ascended masters often are).
- The main body of Kadishtu entities of this galaxy is actually in 8-D, beyond our planetary simulation (this is what usually is referred to as the Galactic Federation – a union of many conscious species, working for the benefit of all Life).
- beyond them is what’s called Guardian Host – the 10D, 11D, 12D creator-intelligences.
The “lower 3-D” is only going to become more dense. This is because the majority of human beings require this step of densification in order to build their Souls. It might sound strange to you – “to build their Souls”… Souls are not “there” consciously for each human being to begin with – the “spark of God” we call Soul is there in each of us, but it is unconscious – it is in awareness but not in consciousness.
This is why it looks like our planet is “going to hell”, so to speak – the violence, the manipulation, the greed… These are simply the components of separation, through which humans are choosing to grow up. That might take a very long time…
But using all the #SoulWorkTools, each one of us can facilitate this process and to some extent speed it up, through our personal vibratory note.

The higher you are vibrating on a regular basis, the more charge you are adding into the Higher 3-D Earth – this provides Light and clarity for the people still experiencing the Lower 3-D Earth, giving them support in their awakening process.