The Quantum Evolution© Codes

Dive into the Cycles of Life,
Transform your Narrative,
Activate Cosmic Evolution
of your Purpose.

In this Online Self-Paced 12-Module Course You Will:
♥ Deeply understand the planetary Quantum Evolutionary Cycles and recognize your place in them;
♥ Clarify the Vision of who you truly are on the Soul level – and how to stay on course with your Purpose;
♥ Activate a powerful connection to your Future Self and gain insights of how you’re meant to unfold your life;
♥ Clear your limiting karmic patterns (in energy and DNA) so you can finally become your Soul authority, and be fully alive, in joy and service;
♥ Activate your Quantum Conscious Leader role on Earth so you can contribute to the planetary consciousness transformation;
♥ Clear your hooks to the controlling planetary morphogenic fields and deep ancestral overlays;
♥ Step into and fully embody your Soul Contract for this lifetime;
♥ Release the old overlays of persecution, trauma, hiding, minimizing, and settling, and unleash the power that is meant to come through you;
♥ Stand in your sovereignty as an empowered Leader and learn to help others stop getting caught in division, competition, and fear;
♥ Work directly with the Solar Council and multi-D Guardians to lead humanity into the ultimate harmonious timeline of planet-wide peace, when people are aware of their inherent divinity, when ALL life matters and is honored, when Nature had finally received our support and forests and habitats are regrown and restored.

A clear path to stepping into your role
as the Consciousness Leader you are meant to be,
permanently overcoming fear, anxiety, confusion, and limiting beliefs,
so you can fully serve humanity on Earth.

♦ This in-depth course explores planetary Quantum Evolutionary Cycles, guiding you to uncover your higher purpose.
♦ You’ll align with your Future Self and discover your harmonious life path, while activating your ability to lead humanity’s consciousness transformation.
♦ Are you ready to embrace your Quantum Evolution, rewrite your story, and lead at the forefront of human consciousness?

What you'll Learn >>
🖤Clear limiting karmic patterns and step into your Soul authority.
🖤Activate your Quantum Leadership role to contribute to planetary consciousness.
🖤Release ancestral overlays and collective programming that block your growth.
🖤Embody your Soul Contract and serve as a powerful leader in humanity’s ascension.
8 Transformational Video Lessons
4 Multi-Dimensional Theta Brainwave Meditations
Powerful Journal Prompts to deepen your journey
Audios & Transcripts for learning on-the-g0
<< What's Included

Investment in Full
Four Month Payment Plan
Bridge the gaps that are holding you back from becoming
the Multi-Dimensional Leader you're meant to be.


~ Cycles ~
Uncover your Soul’s Purpose and how its linked to the Unconditional Love, and the evolution of your consciousness, related to your identity and various cycles throughout your life, the planetary life, the consciousness of species, and even the consciousness of the Universe.

~ Disruption ~
Unlock the treasure of the Disruption Phase of the Quantum Evolution Cycle – how to know when you’re in it and how to weather it correctly so that it actually propels you forward in your consciousness frequency, and what this means for your Sovereignty on the planetary scale.

~ Void ~
Dive into the Void – this is where you drop all the pretenses, all the conditioning, programming, hooks, and attachments to someone else’s Authority, and instead uncover, regenerate, build and grow who you are meant to be on the Quantum Evolution Path (a “deconditioned self”).

~ Expansion ~
Activate the Expansion Phase – this is about Mastery of who you are, who you are meant to be, and who you are becoming. With the “shoulds” released, it is about the true sense of your Soul’s Purpose, your contract here for this planet in this lifetime – this is the next step of you.

~ Time ~
You are going to learn about the nature of Time of Quantum Evolution and how to influence it to your advantage. We will look into Linear time and Spherical time, discover which is more natural for you and what it means, and how to align yourself with the “diving timing” perception.

~ Intention ~
Learn to leverage your Intention inside the Quantum Evolution Cycle – so that you are able to create what you desire with ease! Practice intending correctly as a high-frequency alignment between your mind and the Divine Mind, utilizing the Quantum Field as the means to connect the two.

~ Faith ~
You will learn how to leverage Faith for manifestation. Your ability to believe in the unmanifested reality directly affects your ability to create that reality – through it and holding the emotional frequency of that vision you are able to create stuff in the 3rd Dimension that does not exist here yet!

~ Story ~
Gain conscious control of your personal narrative so you can create an empowering self-story! Your life is made of the meanings that you give to reality – so if you are in full, conscious control of these meanings, you are also in control of the type of story you are creating and, thus, living.

~ Leadership ~
You are here on Earth to contribute to the Quantum Evolution of humanity – by being yourself. That is the Quantum Leadership. This is a super important component of being able to serve at the highest level possible because you are here to bring in your unique gift and lead the world.

~ Individuality ~
We’re moving from the cycle of ‘Survival by Planning’ to the cycle of an ‘Individual’ – and you are the pioneer of this new era that begins in 2027. Initiate yourself into your powerful sovereign Individuality, upgrade your frequencies to create in 5D, activate your special Gifts for humanity.

~ Influence ~
Activate your Quantum Influence and the quality of energy that you embody consistently. Learn how to amplify it by expanding the energy-space you’re occupying, and the parameters for your relationships, wealth, health, happiness – and how you can deeply impact this world.

~ Synthesis ~
Synthesize and integrate all of the components of your personal evolution to embody your Quantum path. Resonate through your Mind, Emotions, and Body what you’ve learned, anchor in Time, amplify through Intention, create with Clarity and Influence – fully become the Quantum Leader on Earth.

Meet Eugenia Oganova
Eugenia Oganova is an international leader in personal transformation, a Transcension Mentor and Spiritual Business Coachwith almost three decades of experience. She is the creator of the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method and the Transcension Method – systems that allow you to step into Self-Mastery and multi-D Abundance. She teaches practical strategies for Self-Love, Sovereignty, inner Authority, Abundance, and Soul-led Business.
Eugenia supports conscious leaders in accessing their unique Soul Design Strategy, their innate expertise, so they can confidently realize their purpose and manifest their Soul Mission (and get paid well for doing it).
Eugenia has traveled the world teaching her methodology and wisdom in 27 countries, took people to sacred sites around the globe. She’s clairvoyant since birth, a self-made multi-millionaire, and has been featured in over 100 networks and publications.
Eugenia is an internationally best-selling author of 4 books:
💥 “Wealth by Soul Design© – Scale Your Spiritual Business to Multi-6 or 7-figures by Leveraging Your Inner Magic” (Create Soul-led biz for Healers & Coaches)
💥 “Mission Alpha – The Wise and Passionate You” (a Manual for human Energy-anatomy)
💥“Awakening the Harmony Within – How to Create with Spirit” (a comprehensive and practical explanation of how to take charge of your Personal Reality)
💥 “The Secret of Sekhmet – Why Akhenaten Challenged the Gods of Egypt” (a metaphysical historical mystery novel based on Eugenia’s direct memory of her own lifetime at that historic period).

The Quantum Evolution Course is based on Eugenia's TRANSCENSION METHOD©
The Transcension Method©
Eugenia Oganova's transformational system
for conscious Self-Mastery
& permanent karmic resolution.
Transcend conditioning & limitations, activate Wealth Energetics,
embody multi-dimensional frequencies, & lead a deeply meaningful life.