How to become a Master?
Discipline is linked to the Selfhood. It is not something that happens to you, but something that you choose to practice.
Occasionally even though you had implemented the positive change, somehow the change was there for only the short time, then reverted back to what it used to be. My question then is usually “Did you CONTINUE to implement steps for that change? For how long?” This is exactly what discipline really means – it is a form of self-mastery – i.e. we become the masters of ourselves by changing the perception of our reality, and through that, changing the reality itself!
When the new pattern/habit it implemented, it will battle with the old one and we must persevere in application of the new one, again and again, until the old habit simply atrophies due to the absence of the life force. It is our choice which habit we choose to feed with life force and which one we choose to starve. We control this – that is self-discipline. Not because someone from the outside told us to do it, but because we want to have more harmony and choose to be responsible for our behavior – internal and external. That will help not only each person individually, but human kind in general, and the planet as well.
Arriving at the Self-Mastery through the high level of discipline (self-responsibility) will be a full-circle moment as humanity, under the guidance of Spirit, moves into the cycle of time that will mark its tenure as guardians of the Garden of Earth.
Hundreds of years in the future, history will tell the story of how the unconscious humans almost destroyed the planet (irresponsibility), but twice came back from the brink of disaster, and sanity prevailed. Then from this juncture point the new harmony is distributed world-wide, making the seeds of compassion and oneness more readily available for all. This is the “balanced responsibility” (self-discipline).
There is a lot more information about this in my book “Mission Alpha” – check it out HERE.

What is from now on you CHOOSE to be fully responsible for you your thoughts, emotions, and actions?