the Wise and Passionate You

The Complete Manual for your Energy-Anatomy, in application to every area of your life, and practical steps for a fully self-aware, vibrationally harmonious, and spiritually abundant life.
Mission Alpha
What's inside:
“MISSION ALPHA – The Wise and Passionate You” is the energy system MANUAL you’ve been searching for.
It helps you find meaning in every event and avoid disease by recognizing and correcting energy imbalances.
You’ll also learn how to experience Courage, Power, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Happiness
regardless of external circumstances, and as you become more confident,
your external environment will shift to match your new perception.

Get Mission Alpha 🎀 Get Two Awesome Free Gifts!
- What is the main mission for every Soul on Earth?
- What are the Spirals of Consciousness and why do we fall asleep and wake up?
- What is the significance of “building the Self”?
- Where does dis-ease originate and how to “cure” it by resolving its true cause?
- Does “genetic predisposition” for a particular dis-ease relate to karmic lessons as well?
- Our experiences as triggers for awakening;
- What is the difference between a healthy boundary and a defense/protection?
- What is the energy pattern of “worry” and how to clear it?
- Why is personal effort required for conscious awakening?
- What is the difference between positive control and negative control over life?
Unlocking the Power of Internal Alchemy:
- Introduction: The Problem of Modern Disconnection
- Chapter 1: Understanding Prana and Its Significance
- Chapter 2: The Power of Slow Rhythmic Breathing
- Chapter 3: Internal Alchemy – Transforming Your Inner Landscape
- Chapter 4: The Practice of Internal Alchemy
- Chapter 5: Living in the Prana Current


Mission Alpha
Chapters include:
♦ HUMAN ENERGY: Aura, Electro-magnetics, Color, Sound, Spirals of Consciousness;
♦ BODY ENERGY: Body systems, Cellular Joy, Physical Pain, Cellular Regeneration, Fat, Chocolate;
♦ AWARENESS: Self-worth, Authenticity, Emotional Pain, Control, Passion, Sexuality, Fears, Courage,
♦ MASTERY: Self-design, Codes, Power imprints, manifestation, Confidence, Time, Alchemy of Money;
♦ EARTH: Energy of the planet, Crystals, Energy Guides, Power and Purpose;


Mission Alpha
The Personal Growth Manual
Do you ever feel like there’s a voice inside of you that’s yearning for more love, fulfillment, power, and belonging? That voice is your Soul reminding you of who you truly are! But HOW can you awaken to it?
Let’s face it, no one is perfect, and we’re not always in perfect balance. But we can learn to recognize when we’re out of alignment and restore our balance in our own unique ways.
There’s a ton of inspirational literature out there, but not many books actually explain HOW to get to where you want to be. We’re programmed to look for some grand “purpose” for our lives or some amazing “magical power”. But in reality, we’re simply attempting to compensate for the feeling of “not good enough” inside. That feeling is painful and leaves us feeling distracted, bored, insufficient, and lost.
It’s time to stop hiding from this pain and to learn a NEW way of interfacing with our own consciousness. Studying how you’re designed leads to purposeful living and satisfaction. You already have all the equipment; you just need to learn how to read the manual and use it correctly.
In this book, you’ll explore all the pieces of your Self and decode the mystery of life that is you. By understanding how your energy system works, you’ll see how illnesses and problems are created and how you can heal yourself on all levels.
When we’re faced with emotional pain or feel harmed by someone, it’s our own energy requesting us to face the issue. When something we’re intending on isn’t manifesting, its our energy reflecting vibrational misalignment.
How do I know?
I’m Eugenia Oganova – a clairvoyant Transcension mentor and Spiritual Business Strategist with over 20 years of experience. I was born conscious, at 14 years of age began my energy healing practice, and went on teaching over 250 live programs and courses, took people to sacred sites around the globe, published best-selling books, and have been featured in over 100 networks and publications.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that we can create miracles, can attract to us all we need and want, can heal our bodies – but we must change our internal set up from the autopilot to a conscious mode.
In this book, you’ll discover where your “energy switches” are located and how to turn your Real Self on. The real magic of life is about the Reality bleeding through the illusion – it’s the process of awakening.
Aligning with the Source, the power of true identity, the balance of energy systems, and the health of our physical bodies become enhanced by the expansion of conscious focus. This is the Mission Alpha, the primary mission of every spark of God – including you!
So, purchase this book right now and let’s get started on healing your body, awakening your Soul, and manifesting your desires!