Why is Ascension so Hard?
Alright, many of you had noticed that we are being tossed back and forth by the planetary energy adjustments, which are coming with more and more intensity and more often than ever before.
This is because the planet is attempting to place more change into the Higher 3-D Earth (the one that is in synch with 4-D and 5-D realities), and this means that Pi, the planetary being, must transmute the distorted energies of the Lower 3-D Earth, to purify them.
This oscillation of this 3-D reality is a type of slip-sliding, similar to two gyroscopes, as the Higher and Lower 3-D Earths are attempting to unify. Eventually there will be again one 3-D reality for all of the human race, but since right now there are two, they are fractioning. And this process is very difficult for people in both realities, in the lower and in the higher!
Even if you are in the Higher 3-D Earth, you are not in bliss and happiness all the time, not at ease of being continuously, right? This is because of two main reasons:
- it is very hard to remain conscious, it takes an enormous amount of effort, responsibility, love and patience! And we do not always succeed in that;
- this ascension alchemical process is, in fact, “chemical” too – it takes a huge toll on our bodies (mostly the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems, and brain functioning), which means we have to be the masters of our bodies as well, not only the heart and the mind (making this ascension process very difficult indeed!)
The ones who are in the Lower 3-D Earth are experiencing extreme duality, black-and-white emotional reactions which feel so intense as if they can rip a person apart. That is what fuels the current religious struggles especially. Have you noticed that now even within the same religion the “right vs. wrong” is tearing people apart?
The financial situation is not far behind as greed becomes the main motivator. Greed has always been a way of learning power (well, false power), but it was limited to a small number of people at the time. Now in the Lower 3-D Earth greed and survival have become fused (as people are attempting to process these two patterns and awaken Self through the consequences of irresponsibility).
This is the first time in this last ten-thousand year cycle of human history that these two patterns – greed and survival – have been fused. It is a very different learning (Gaia didn’t have this pattern, it definitely has Pi’s signature on it), even though it is sort of an improvisation on the theme of “survival of the fittest”.
And the lower realities of this planet is only getting darker and denser, while the higher reality is attempting to experience more Light. Don’t you think it might be painful to feel all this Light while still being linked to such painful black-and-white perceptions as well? Of course it is!
Some of the people on Earth right now are ascending, while others are descending. You might be working on remaining in the Higher Self wisdom while walking through the world, that is mostly guided by the Lower Self greed and survival strategies – political, financial, social, religious, military… All of these systems are driven today by greed.
Many lightworkers tend to think that these systems will be somehow replaced by more harmonious ones, and then these lightworkers become baffled when all they see is the exact opposite – more exploitation, more wars, more corruption… The corporations are fighting only for the profit of the shareholders (while employees become essentially the new slave labor), the military campaigns are not even concealed by the “pretty propaganda” anymore, blatantly exploiting the wars simply for financial gains (again, for the people at the top mostly, the rest have to fight and die in these wars), etc. Why is it that it seems to be getting worse?
This is because right now the Lower 3-D Earth is still very much populated by the people who require the descent into density for their spiritual growth, and it is influenced, for that reason, by the manipulative power-hungry beings who are also learning the same lesson (even though they have a bit more Self awareness and are more electric than the majority of the unconscious humanity).
The Higher 3-D Earth is not influenced by these negative beings anymore, because it is in a frequency faster than what they can easily access, and because it is populated by the people who do not require such intense duality anymore.
The manipulative negative systems (political, financial, religious, social, military) will not be replaced by some rainbow-happy new systems where everyone will be happy – that would mean forfeiting the lessons still needed to be learned by a majority of the human population!
Instead, these negative systems will remain and fester, become more and more intense and eventually absurd, so that the people who are being played are not interested in being played anymore – these people will then stop incarnating into the reality determined by such negative systems. Instead, these souls will incarnate with wider range of consciousness, eventually matching the range of the Higher 3-D Earth.
In other words, the place without these manipulative negative social systems already exists, but most people are not in it. The more people are able to match that energy, the more beneficial harmonious social systems we will see sprouting up in this world (new companies with a fair approach to employees and resources, new leaderships interested in trade and not war, etc.) The old systems though will remain and in a way densify even more – as long as there are people who choose to incarnate to learn through them…
Our job, as lightworkers, “starseeds”, and “forerunners of ascension”, is to remain in the Higher 3-D Earth vibration, and create from there – not to attempt to change all of the old negative systems, or focus on “exposing” them by talking about them all the time (as if they need exposing! – anyone who can see and hear – does, and for those who don’t, it is because they can’t, no matter how loudly we choose to tell them the truth).

If in the moment of physical pain or other difficulty you can honor your fear, but focus with curiosity and kindness on the lesson – you bring the energy back into your root chakra and it stops wobbling! That is the Self-determined safety.