The Pendulum of Time
The planet is in the time period of swinging from “life” to “death” to “life” to “death” and so on. This is not a season-related swing, but an energy adjustment. This is because the 2nd dimension of Earth is being imprinted with new Light Codes. Pi is inserting them into the 2D of her earth body.
We here in the 3D are experiencing this process as a perceptual pendulum swing – one moment you might feel super alive and hopeful, the next you might feel like you are ready to give up, or feel near death emotionally or physically.
This is perceptual, not literal – i.e. there is nothing to be afraid of, it is not that you are actually suddenly going to drop dead. But perceptually you are responding to the fluctuations of the 2D, as the new codes are being inserted there…
When you fluctuate between the states of profound “I AM” awareness (empowered) and old self-doubts (disempowered), remember to stay centered. The key during this time is to remain detached.
When we favor “feeling alive” and being in the powerful “I Am” states, and fear “feeling dead” and returning to our old issues, we only amplify the pendulum swing. Instead, try to be neutral and WITNESS both: “I am powerful and One with all Life”, “right now I am in self-doubt, pain, fear, and defense”.
Both have value – the powerful state is about your return to Oneness and the negative painful state is about working on the issue so that the unique Self can be built (to eventually join the Soul in Oneness, generating the Soul-Self).
If you spend most of your time in the Higher 3D Earth consciousness, you might also notice another fluctuation: one moment you are feeling connected to All, the next you are in repulsion/frustration concerning the unconscious people in the Lower 3D Earth.
It is important not to judge them or yourself for falling into judgment! Instead, go into the witness mode – notice the chaos and pain of the Lower 3D reality, the fears and defenses of people, but without having an emotional reaction to it yourself.
We only have an emotional reaction to something if somehow we take it personally. In this case, we can become repulsed/frustrated/scared of the unconsciousness on Earth because we link it to our safety.
If we are in the Higher 3D Earth, we know that we are NOT the body and thus our consciousness is the Self, and it is eternal and cannot be harmed. From that place we know that we create everything as a learning.
This gives us clarity as to what is ours to deal with and what is not.
You can truly feel compassion for the people in the Lower 3D Earth only if you have detached your safety from having to have any particular outcome.
Most of the time people become threatened by others’ unconscious behavior – and want to “fix it” so that they themselves feel safe. That can look like fear-based xenophobia and religious extremism, but it can also look like “passionate co-miserating” with the underdog.
You want to separate yourself from the scary unconscious events first (be in Higher 3D Earth and WITNESS), then ask yourself “Is this mine to do?” – and if it is, then go do something about it (have a conversation, donate the money, volunteer, etc., and then STOP tuning into the pain!), and if it isn’t, then let it go and work more on your own safety and incorrect beliefs (the most common being “we all have to wake up at the same time, and these people being in chaos is wrong!”)
The Starseeds and the Forerunners of Ascension on Earth are responsible for their own processing, but the more inner work that we do, the more we benefit the collective All of Earth.
The individual inner work leads to the amplification of the Higher 3D Earth’s potential, enhancing its presence as a counterweight for the Lower 3D Earth’s reality.
The Crystalline energy matrix is being assembled on the 9th level of Earth’s 3D reality. This lattice/matrix is holding the codes for Unity Consciousness – to further support the Higher 3D Earth energies as an “alternate reality” to the Lower 3D Earth where most people live right now.
You can connect to that Crystalline energy if you are able to vibrate in the 9th level of your own energy field. Practice tuning into it by focusing your energy vertically, from the root chakra to the crown (7th), and then moving your awareness further upwards to the 8th and 9th chakras. Through the perception of the 9th chakra it will feel as if you are made of a thin crystalline energy patterns (similar to the ice patterns on the window in the winter). This crystalline energy in you is linked to the crystalline energy of the 9th level of our planet.
If you allow yourself to expand your perception on the 9th level of your own energy field (hold your vertical tube from the root all the way to the 9th chakra, then experience the oval of the whole field with the 9th chakra being the top), you can then connect to the planetary 9th level and experience the Crystalline matrix of Light being built there.

Allow yourself to expand your perception on the 9th level of your energy field and connect to the planetary 9th level to experience the Crystalline matrix of Light being built there.