Our Solar System enters
the Plasmic Band of Light
In our Milky Way Galaxy there is active ionized plasma energy (Galactic Wind) that spirals out of the Galactic Core. It spirals out in “bands” of different type of energy.
We are currently entering a highly-charged Plasmic Band where the purest Light from the galactic center flows outwards (which increases the pressure on the Solar system). As stars rotate inside the galaxy, they all at some point pass through that area of Light, which the Solar Council calls the Plasmic Band of Light (what was metaphorically labeled “the photon belt”). This Plasmic Band is a material phenomenon as well as non-material.
In our Solar System, in the middle is the Sun, and in its gravity are the planets, around it all is the Oort Cloud (like a blanket of icy particles). The Galactic Cosmic Rays (high-energy ions, accelerated by the supernovae explosions) push on the outside of the Oort Cloud, while the Solar Wind (streaming of ionized plasma from the Sun out) pushes back from the inside our Solar System. The boundary of where they meet on the edge of the Solar System defines the parameters of our “simulation” (the energy-environment, inside which our Souls are learning and becoming conscious).
The Galactic Wind (Galactic Cosmic Rays, electro-magnetic energy flow) is met by the Solar Wind (the Sun’s expression/delivery method for its wisdom) at the edge of our Solar System. The pressure on the Solar territory used to be a lot less than it is now, (it was measured by the Russian scientists in the 1960 as 4, now it is 40!) This is because we are right on the edge of this Plasmic Band. The plasmic energy is so strong, that is seeps through the Solar boundary at the Oort Cloud into the Solar system, affecting our Sun, and us here on Earth.
The Sun goes through many magnetic cycles, the smallest one being 11 years (sun spots), with 22 years double-cycle (solar flares and magnetic shifts), and many more larger cycles. Solar activity has increased in the last 20 years drastically. In 2014-2015 period this solar activity re-set into a different mode of broadcast.
It takes the Solar System 250 million years to orbit around the Galaxy, and this is the largest Solar cycle, in which the Sun’s magnetic polarity changes. It is activated by the Sun’s entry into this major Plasmic Band.
This Plasmic Band contains a qualitatively different type of photon, and there are massive amounts of them. Metaphysically speaking, the difference between a “regular” photon and this new photon, is that the new one we are encountering is the “ascended version” of the regular one – it vibrates in more dimensions of existence at once. It is a messenger of pure Light Code of the Source. It can hold more of its’ truest nature within the photon’s form, similar to us being able to hold our Light Bodies in the deepest relationship (interweaving /interpenetrating) to our physical bodies.
And so our Solar System is entering that area of the Galaxy where the Light is extremely saturated, vibrant and alive. It will take our Solar System about 2,000 years to move through that Plasmic Band and this is what usually called the Golden Age – it is because this is the time of opportunity for the developing consciousness. This is so on all the dimensions in our Solar System – the beings who are lower or higher than us, who are on Earth or other planets in our Solar System – all are experiencing this Light.
One might think that experience of Light would feel great, right? So why are we not all spontaneously awakening, becoming enlightened, glowing and levitating?
Because when the Light enters our body, it first hits all the blocks – fears, pains, issues – and we have to deal with the aftermath… And if on top of that we are in resistance to facing our fears, pains and issues, we attempt to avoid dealing with what Light activates – that only creates more fears, pain and issues!
This new photonic form will help us in remembering who we really are. But our bodies need to acclimate to this photonic light. Without it we tend to ache and feel exhausted even if we are not resisting anything! The stretching of muscle fibers is one simple way to help your physical body accept these large quantities of Light (with only more and more coming!) When muscles contract and expand, they send out a signal that tells the mitochondria to multiply.
Mitochondria are the energy generators present in our cells and the more of them that we have, the faster we are able to transmute electrons into cellular energy, (for increased consciousness and health.) Mitochondria are the “zero point” portals that allow translation of energy into flesh, and vice versa. They link our physical bodies to the Soul-Self.
We are at the convergence of many great cycles. The Solar system, in totality, is entering the Plasmic Band of ionized energy of Light. This is also the conclusion of the 250 million year cycle around the Galaxy, which activates our Sun’s magnetic changes. As the Sun changes its magnetic poles, it also releases electro-magnetic pulses into the space around itself.
We humans feel them in terms of blood pressure changes, acid-alkaline upsets, digestion and skin conditions, headaches, mood swings, disorientation etc.
This current grand finale of the Sun cycles is not very active – it is because Gaia and Pi did a lot of work with the Sun as we are entering the Plasmic Band, and so the Sun is keeping its energy very harmonious, without major flares.
The flares are the means to relate to the planets. If the Earth an other planets do not require this drastic activation, Sun does not have to hit us with the solar flares. Also, as Galactic Wind brings the Plasmic Band’s ionized particles into the Solar System, the Sun is busy integrating them – which partially cancels out its activity.
During the solar maximum the number of the sunspots usually increases. These sunspots are causes by the interplay of the plasma and the magnetic field of the Sun. The number of the sunspots is very low this year – this is because the change from Gaia to Pi had gone very smoothly and there is no need to shock Earth’s magnetic fields. The Sun is gently supporting Pi in her process, as the Solar System entering the Plasmic Band.
The time when a solar system enters into the Plasmic Band is usually the hardest for everyone inside that system. Once we are in the Plasmic Band, we are already properly calibrated for that experience, but the entering part is intense and transformative.
We are asked to grow up into spiritual adults, to let go of our attachments to pain, revenge, dualistic competition and tribal identities – and instead choose to be unique individuals in pleasure of life.
It can be hard to choose JOY and LOVE when we have built so many restrictions and rules about them. Through many incarnations we have recorded into our etheric circuitry the patterns of survival instead of living, of pain instead of joy, of needs instead of detachment. Yet joy and love as states of being, unattached to any external circumstances, are always available to us. In any moment we can tune into the bubbling energy of Joy and feel it vibrating inside our bodies. The Love in the universal sense is unconditional and all-penetrating. That universal Love is here all the time, it only requires our choice to experience it resonating throughout our system.
But choice is a component of the free will and of individuality – so we are back to being a Self! Without being a “grown up” Self we cannot choose love! Love can still find us, but we catch only a glimmer of that divine unconditional love when we are inside our issues, veiled by our own fear.
The energy of Joy looks like champagne with orange juice (yes, a Mimosa cocktail, named after a beautiful fluffy yellow Mimosa flower!)
This is how you can tune into JOY energy:
1- relax your body – your shoulders and neck, your lower back etc. Your body is the center of your Self;
2- expand your perception outwards into your energy field – all that space is your Self;
3- now allow the experience of Joy to vibrate inside your personal Self space – it will feel like tiny little bubbles are dancing throughout your system;
4- as you feel these tiny bubbles, tune into the smooth tone and the orange color, experience them, let them penetrate your emotions and thoughts, every cell of your physical body, all the way down to the subatomic level (which is the origin point of Joy).

Think of being in the Plasmic Band of Light as a place where the veils are thinner and all the dimensions of existence are more accessible!