Morphogenic Fields of Consciousness
Our Simulation is experiencing a split inside the 3rd dimension of Earth, and the morphogenic fields are changing. In the Lower 3D Earth the fear-based morphogenic fields are running the show, they are linked to the Separation perception. In the Higher 3D Earth are the love-based fields linked to Oneness perception.
Morphogenic fields are electro-magnetic templates/blueprints, created by everything in existence; it is the input and output of creation. They are created by planets, by the Sun, by Nature, by diverse energy entities and by us. With every intense feeling/emotion, thought and action (or non-action) every individual strengthens one of these fields that are already in existence. Some of these fields are lower-astral monstrosities of hatred and fear, while others are amazing healing and nurturing blueprints of peace and beauty. With the clear intention to channel a feeling, and/or with the focus of enough minds, we can create/support a new morphogenic field – of peace, responsibility and Self-consciousness (Unity-consciousness).
The current level of human consciousness is the “training wheels” stage for the formation of Self. It has created many morphogenic fields separate from Nature, not based on beneficial planetary instinctual intelligence. The dominant consciousness (“mass consciousness”) on the planet right now is fear-based, as it has formed from the negative sense of separation, scarcity and war.
Our “mass consciousness” is disharmonic because it includes the actions, thoughts and feelings of humans who are locked inside of the image projections of what a self should be, instead of the true Self. At the same time that our mass consciousness is fear-based, there are other morphogenic fields that exist based on peace, healing, beauty, and love.
All morphogenic fields in existence change their field strength with every individual feeling, thought, and action that occurs.
All matter-species (human beings, animals, plants, crystals/minerals) and all non-matter species, have a consciousness and therefore relate to a particular morphogenic field. The energy connected to an emotion/feeling is one of the most powerful forces of creation of morphgenic fields for humans, although as we evolve, we will be able to use this energy in combination with clear focused thought. A large number of people simultaneously focusing on a particular feeling or thought will generate a local morphogenic field (there are many “internet intention-setting opportunities” floating around, when people circulate a desire for a particular intent setting at a particular time, so that everyone who chooses to participate adds their intent in the pre-set moment, and they have resulted in creations of scattered balanced peaceful morphogenic fields on Earth). For this to be accomplished on a planetary scale, 22% of humanity has to hold that same feeling/emotion. With enough input, the morphogenic field itself creates a ripple effect that people, knowingly or unknowingly, are able to tap into.
Individually and collectively we constantly contribute to the development of our Universe with our thoughts and the emotional content behind them. This is why awakening to the next level of consciousness cannot be possible without responsibility – not only for our actions, but also for our internal environment – thoughts, feelings, senses.
Morphogenic fields are accessed by generating a particular resonance to match the field’s frequency: fear attracts more fear; anger amplifies anger; compassion brings compassion.
Because higher frequencies are more harmonious, high frequency morphogenic fields can modify/heal lower frequency ones: a field of compassion will resolve hatred; a field of love will resolve war.
One is able to connect to a morphogenic field at any moment from anywhere – all one needs is an ability to resonate at a particular frequency. Morphogenic fields are an amazing tool for training our consciousness to expand, and for releasing limited patterns.
This is how you can practice:
- pick a particular issue that you want to work on (self-hatred, confusion, fear, anger, insecurity, scarcity, etc.)
- tune into how this issue manifests in your energy field and body, where you feel it the most;
- once you can experience the issue in your system, look for the morphogenic field that it is linked to (any issue of fear is linked to the planetary astral fear field; the issue of scarcity to the planetary field of human-generated scarcity, etc.)
- notice how much of the issue is your own and how much is being supported/maintained by the planetary morphogenic field (in % maybe?);
- tune into the morphogenic field of a higher frequency than the one you are linked to, a field that would dissolve your link to the lower field (i.e. tune into the field of uniqueness if you were dealing with insecurity; or to the field of love if you are dealing with hatred; or to the field of purpose if you are dealing with lost-ness, and so on.)
- witness how linking to the morphgenic field of higher frequency dissolves the link to the lower field. Now you are left with only your own issue, without the negative support of the lower field. We are designed to work with our own issues and they are much easier to handle when they do not link up with everyone else’s! By doing this you just made your own issue more manageable and at the same time released your support of human negativity, helping others do the same.
You can read more about creating your own morphogenic fields, self-responsibility, intention setting, etc. in my book Awakening the Harmony Within. Above excerpt is from “Morphogenic Fields” chapter.