If and how to
pay attention to the news?
We all are concerned with the current social and political situation on Earth. But how much concern is too much? Are we callous if we don’t watch the news? Are we really involved and helpful if we do?
Before the split of the Higher 3D Earth from the Lower 3D, watching political drama was not conducive to remaining in the higher range. If we engaged emotionally with the astral situation (social, political, tribal), we automatically become trapped in that range, effectively locking ourselves into the Lower 3D. Expanding one’s awareness and sensitivity to raise one’s personal vibration in order to live in the Higher 3D was extremely difficult – one almost had to go away from the world (if not to a mountaintop, then at least by turning off a lot of the external world inflow into one’s life) in order to remain in the Higher 3D Earth.
When the 3D of Earth “split” (back in 2013-2014), the two ranges became more apparent – this made it easier to stay in one or the other, but harder to go back if you switched. From this place of being in the Higher 3D it is possible now to stay as an Observer (not a participant) and watch the Lower 3D drama unfold.
This has two benefits:
- by having a proper perspective on what we are watching, we are actually contributing to the resolution of what we are watching;
- we get to build a stronger inner Observer by practicing this.
The Observer is a part of the individualized Self that is beyond the personality of the Ego – from the Ego’s perspective the Observer is neutral.
In fact, the Observer part of us is not in duality at all, it is linked to the Higher Self and Soul – like a bridge between them and the Ego.
Without developing an inner Observer, enlightenment is impossible.
This is what separates the conscious people from the unconscious ones:
consciousness implies the existence of the Higher Self and an ability to look at life impartially (non-personally) as a lesson.
How do we contribute to the resolution of the “tribal warfare” on the planet?
The “contribution to resolution” (1st benefit) – when one connects to the morphogenic field (joined link) but remains vibrationally outside of it (Observer), if one’s frequency is stronger than the field one is linked to, one will positively influence the field (harmonize it).
The “stronger Observer” (2nd benefit) – when one practices non-interference and neutral compassion (detachment), one strengthens this ability internally – one can then apply it more easily to oneself (self-compassion through detachment from the Ego).
But what to do with friends who are so much in the Lower 3D?
The same strategy goes for the breaking of connections with people who choose not to (or cannot) be in the higher morphogenic fields, while we still are. In other words – get new friends who match your journey! If we stay connected to these toxic people in a traditional “involved” way, we are forced to lower our own frequency and in a sense “move down” to match them (because they cannot go up). If we end the relationship, then we are able to remain in the more harmonious range where we are, and they remain where they are. Considering that we are staying in the higher field, we are actually still contributing to that person’s evolution (linking in as an Observer), vs going into the lower field where we are keeping their personality happy but also adding our charge to the lower morphogenic field’s strength.

You contribute to the resolution of the tribal lower field on Earth by remaining vibrationally outside of it (Observer) while vibrating harmoniously.