Conscious Dreaming and Channeling
Whatever we experience is REAL to us. If you see/sense/feel a being’s presence next to you – that is a truth for you. If you started with a guided visualization of, for example, entering a cavern, but then the vision took off on its own, expanding into something you saw – that is real. If you had a vivid dream and felt some extreme emotion in relationship to it – it is real.
There are three types of dreams:
Mental processing dreams,
Emotional processing dreams,
Guiding dreams.
The mental type we all know very well – these are the annoying dreams of the images from your day – they occur because the brain is tired and overloaded, and even though the body is asleep, the brain is still running energy through the same neuron pathways that were used during the day when we were awake. These dreams mean nothing except that we are not in the Higher Self!
The emotional dreams are intense. Most people are scared of vivid dreams, especially if they seem to be about something negative (like that your friend dies, or that you find out something you don’t want to), and then either dismiss the dream as “stupid” (this is avoidance of true reality), or take the dream literally (as in, if someone dies in the dream, this means they will die in material life). Neither is true! The emotion is the truth, not the story! The emotion you felt in the dream is the message – something you are already feeling in your subconscious but for some reason do not want your conscious mind to see, it is coming out to be noticed. It is not a prediction of how things will go, it is simply a message about what already is in your subconscious. Vivid dreams are not predictions, but messages about what is that we did not notice…
Guiding type dreams are not only intense, but you can swear they are real! The reason for this is that they involve not only the emotional body, but also the mental and etheric bodies – i.e. they feel almost physical to your perception, so much so that sometimes during the day after such a dream a person might feel that they are remembering a “real” memory, only to realize it did not happen in material reality. These dreams are also NOT predictions. The future is not written, we make it as we go through our choices and actions, so if you believe the dream to be a prediction of the events to come, you might cement it into your experience through your own emotional reaction – fear or need). Vivid guiding dreams are very important to pay attention to and de-code, though! Why? – Because they do come from the Higher Self. It is a divine part of us that is showing us something. But it means different things – that is where the wisdom is! These dreams are never literal, always symbolic. Track your feelings to what you experienced and try to link these to the real life circumstances you are experiencing (internal or external) – chances are there is an answer for you in the dream!
Channeling is a way of aligning with the higher frequencies. All cultures throughout history cherished individuals, who were able to communicate with the unseen. There are many names for these people – prophets, seers, lucid dreamers, shamans, oracles, mediums, psychics, channels. Some were born with an innate ability to remain in alignment, others had that ability activated by their own Soul, or through special training.
Channeling energy through you while dreaming or while awake can bring a message from the non-physical reality. But who do we channel when we get a message from the Other Side? These messages can come from a person who had died but is somehow linked to us emotionally (like a deceased relative), from an ancestor who is linked to us spiritually (it can be our genetic ancestor, or someone from our Soul-group), or from the energy guides who support us on our journey here in matter.
Channeling while dreaming falls into the category of “guiding dreams” and does not require one to be in a very expanded conscious state – just being open is enough. Conscious channeling while awake can only occur when one has expanded his/her range of consciousness (i.e. the vibratory range) to match the range of (or at least to overlap with) the entity being channeled. You can read more on this in my blog about Channeling here.
Interacting with energy guides, angelic entities, yours and others’ Higher Selves – all of these require your faith in something outside of this matter-based world. If you want to be able to change the programming of your system, you have to first believe that there is more to your system than the matter-body, then believe that your consciousness can envision a different you, and that you can become that new you. Over-thinking is a limitation that blocks an ability to consciously dream and/or channel. We must become open (“porous”) and silence the personal Egos (thoughts) so that we cancel out all interference, able to perceive the message as it comes through us.
– based on “Believing Without Proof” chapter of my book “Awakening the Harmony Within.”