Ascension Stairway:
Acceleration of Awakening
The vibrational rate of the 3rd dimension (and the amount of Light that the 3-D space can hold) is accelerating.
The human collective spiritual energy is constantly being triggered by Pi into “paying attention” and moving along the Ascension Stairway.
The speed is slower on the lower steps and faster on the higher ones, but all are being triggered into their internal “next step”.
This of course looks very different for the various levels of consciousness. People in the “kindergarten” and “primary-school” developmental stages (of consciousness – and this is NOT a judgment, simply an honest assessment) are being triggered into movement, according to their desires and fears as a means of building their identities.
People in the “middle-school” stage of development are being triggered into believing and following their leaders, into tribal warfare and fear-based assumptions as they are being asked to experience themselves differently, to awaken their humanity.
The typical “high-schoolers” are leading this economic, religious, corporate and political tribal warfare (just like in ancient times one king would expect his subjects/serfs/slaves to fight for him against the neighboring king).
This is the Lower 3D Earth. It might look and feel disturbing to the people at the “college” level of development – and it might not look like “awakening” at all!
How can wars, misconceptions, judgments and fear be awakening, right? – they can be, and they always have been, the steps one must go through in order to learn compassion and caring, learn to desire peace and cooperation, learn to create harmony and to share Love.
This disharmonious stage in human development is necessary because when the Soul descends into density, it separates from the Oneness of life as a training in Individuality, and is eventually meant to rejoin the Oneness.
The process of moving along in the dark – in Separation from Oneness – occurs initially when one is confused and in pain, and then one attempts to regain the safety of the Oneness by adopting its surrogate – the Tribe.
As the tribal support is relied upon, the identity of the tribe becomes one’s identity, which supports one’s development at first, builds “civilized patterns” within, but in due course results in tribal warfare.
Until eventually a Soul find too many inconsistencies with the tribe, cannot fit in anymore, and the process of moving on begins. At first these lifetimes are difficult – experiences of abandonment, fear, anger; but in time one learns to rely on oneself, forging one’s individual identity, becoming one’s own leader.
On the higher steps of the Ascension Stairway, the people of the “college” level of development are triggered into staying present, respectful of ALL life (including the unconsciously behaving humans!), compassionate while at the same time not in “rescue mode” or “victim mode” or “merging with the pain mode”, and in Self-Love that radiates onto ALL life, becoming the Divine Love.
The people on the highest steps of the Ascension Stairway are asked to radiate this Divine Love/Sophia energy from their bodies, to harmonize the 3rd dimensional space. This is done in unison with the Solar Council, the Kadishtu beings, with Pi, and with the Elementals of Earth.
The energetic gap between the Lower and Higher 3D is becoming larger – in parallel with the general semi-conscious (and various-levels-of-unconscious) human population. We have more Lightworkers and spiritual Masters living on the planet in material bodies right now, and at the same time so many such unconscious humans that they can barely be termed the same species!
The planetary body is holding this accelerating shift in the Lower Subharmonic (the 1D, 2D, and 3D), but for the planetary energies to keep accepting the incoming photonic Light (from the Galactic Center) eventually the material form of the physical body will have to change into a less-dense mechanism (a micro-tubular evolutionary upgrade) and this is what the Higher 3D Earth is for!
The Higher 3D Earth still contains everything materially, but the energetic quality is of a much higher level, more Light and a much faster speed. It is like all of the senses have been turned on high all at once, as if one is in a magical land 🙂

The acceleration of planetary evolution, especially in the Higher 3D, will support more and more upgrades in the DNA and in the etheric bodies to eventually translate the current material vehicle into a less-dense one.