What is the Starseed mission?
There is one “mission” for all living beings – to evolve, to comprehend, to create, to serve the God Source. Thus, first and foremost we are all here to LEARN and to SERVE the propagation of divine blueprints into forms.
Starseeds are on a spiritual humanitarian mission to Earth:
- to help awaken Earthlings;
- to clean up False God programs;
- to free the planetary host and the souls incarnate on Earth from the oppression of Mind Control Agendas (human and alien);
- to recode the DNA blueprint to facilitate multidimensional access;
- to activate the universal transcension templates and grids inside this planetary Simulation;
- to modify negative timeline influences.
Starseeds are on a personal mission while on Earth:
- to gather intel for their home race (reconnaissance to facilitate change).
- to cleanup their own past difficulties with duality and Separation perception.
- to have a direct experience of being controlled in order to comprehend it, and know how to prevent it.
- to experience extreme duality as a dynamic interplay of opposites and gain knowledge of Self inside such conditions (personal achievement).
- to activate the Unity Christ Consciousness at this level of density and disharmony (personal achievement).
Each Starseed has a type of a mission here on Earth that is related to the planetary and Earthling evolution, in addition to one’s own learning.
Each Starseed has a unique path of learning and service, depending on their Soul Contract, planetary contract with the Solar Council, agreements with their home race, etc.