Christos-Sophia Blueprint
for Transcension,
Christ Consciousness & Abundance
With the Solar Council
You’ve felt the pull of something greater your whole life – a knowing that you’re here for more. Yet, at times, the question arises: Why does it feel so hard to break free from old patterns and fully embody my purpose?
You’ve experienced glimpses of unity, flow, and deep connection to the universe. But those moments seem fleeting, leaving you feeling stuck in disconnection or caught in cycles of doubt.
You’ve tasted the joy of alignment – those moments when everything clicks and your soul feels alive. And yet, maintaining that connection can feel like an uphill battle, as old fears, imbalances, or chaos creep back in.
I know you’re ready to take your spiritual evolution into your own hands—to reclaim your power, align with your soul’s mission, and finally feel that deep sense of freedom and mastery you’ve been searching for.
So, let’s dive into what we’re exploring today to help you do just that!
First, we’ll talk about Transcension – what it really means to move beyond the old paradigm of ascension and step into a new frequency of mastery, sovereignty, and inner unity. This isn’t just about rising above challenges; it’s about completely transforming how you see yourself and how you create your reality.
Next, we’ll look at the Guardians and the Solar Council, the multidimensional beings who have been guiding humanity’s evolution from the beginning. We’ll uncover their role in templating our spiritual path, the distortions that crept in through the Separation Virus, and how their guidance can help you realign with your highest potential.
Finally, we’ll explore the Christos-Sophia Blueprint — a divine harmony of masculine and feminine energies that connects you to your true power. This isn’t just a concept; it’s the key to living with peace, purpose, and abundance, free from the distortions that have held you back for so long.
By the end of this post, you’ll have a deeper understanding of these multidimensional truths, the clarity to recognize where distortions have taken root in your life, and the first steps to begin shifting into alignment. Ready? Let’s go!
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Diving into Transcension
Let’s start with something that’s at the core of everything we’ll be exploring today: Transcension.
You might have heard the word “Ascension” before – it’s often talked about in spiritual circles as the process of raising your vibration, expanding your consciousness, and moving to a higher state of being beyond physical reality. But let me introduce you to something even more profound: Transcension.
Why Transcension Matters:
Transcension isn’t just about “rising above.” It’s about anchoring your identity in your Soul-Self – the part of you that is eternal, limitless, and completely aligned with love, sovereignty, and inner authority.
It’s not about escaping this world or bypassing its challenges; it’s about transforming how you experience all of them, how you experience your reality.
Practicing Transcension, you’re no longer trying to climb a linear ladder of spiritual progress (or feeling bad about not doing it “right!”). Instead, you step onto a spiral staircase of evolution, where every step upward:
- Expands your frequency range,
- Integrates multidimensional awareness into everyday life,
- And deepens your mastery of Self.
This is where true freedom begins. Not freedom from responsibility, but freedom from the limitations that have kept you small – the societal conditioning, ancestral patterns, and karmic loops that have created those frustrating, repetitive struggles in your life.
And why should this matter to you? Because Transcension isn’t just a spiritual concept –it’s the easiest and most direct way to become truly masterful, to live your Soul Mission, and to serve the awakening of humanity.
What Transcension Is
- Imagine a life where every action you take is infused with purpose, peace, and power.
- Imagine that you are able to heal yourself and bring divine love to humanity.
- Imagine feeling yourself deeply connected to the animal kingdom, to the planet, to the stars, to a multidimensional community – and able to ground it all in your life.
- A life where you become Love, become Free, become God within.
That’s what Transcension unlocks.
At its core, my Transcension Method© is a process of self-mastery and alignment with the Universal Intelligence (UI) of God-Source. It’s a 4-fold journey:
- Anchoring in Unconditional Love – Root yourself in the infinite love that is your true nature. This is when you stop looking for validation or fulfillment outside of yourself. Stop chasing after love and become the resonator of it instead. You finally feel that you belong and accepted as you are.
- Practicing Sovereignty – Become self-governed, independent, and self-reliant. No more looking endless “protection spells” or “picking up other people’s energy” – activate your natural boundary, your inner resourcefulness, and create your personal sovereign kingdom, where you feel safe and free at all times – because its yours, you fully own it as your space.
- Embodying Higher Authority – Fully step into your Higher Self and become a Soul-led powerful force for good. No more Lower Self tantrums, excuses, or struggling to fulfill other people’s expectations of you. You gain positive control over your own kingdom and feel confident, capable, present and strong.
- Activating Self-Mastery – Harmonize all parts of yourself – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – so that you’re no longer fragmented or at war within. Discard preconceived ideas and karmic limitations, and free yourself from controlling social fields. Time to activate your Soul Mission and lead human evolution like you’re meant to.
Through this process, you’re not just “ascending into higher frequencies” – you’re transmuting the old, distorted patterns that have held you back, expanding your perceptional range (and your comfort zone!) – you don’t have to leave your comfort zone, you need to expand it! – and stepping into your role as a creator, a way-shower, and a sovereign being.
Quick Tip:
If you want to see me explain Transcension Method© in a bit more details, watch a piece of this training: How to activate conscious Multi-D connection, transcend your limitations, and live your Soul Mission.
The Distortions Holding You Back
Here’s where things get real: Most people get stuck in distortions caused by what I (and the Solar Council) call the Separation Virus. This energetic distortion creates duality and keeps us trapped in cycles of victimhood, scarcity, and self-sabotage.
How does the Separation Virus show up?
See if you recognize yourself in any of these – you are more on one side than the other but we all have some ratio of both (maybe you are 80/20 or 30/70 one way or the other).
The Victim Side: Feeling powerless, overly sensitive, emotionally dysregulated, unworthy of love, or constantly sacrificing yourself for others. In the extreme this is about giving up all of one’s authority and freedom to someone else, which stems from fear of having power.
The Victimizer Side: Aggressively competitive, controlling, emotionally closed off, forcing outcomes, and disconnected from heart energy. In extreme this is about controlling others, being abusive to elicit fear and obedience, which stems from fear of not having power.
Both sides keep you stuck in externalizing your power – whether it’s seeking approval or forcing control.
And neither allows you to align with the Quantum Field of infinite possibilities or the stillness of Inner Peace.
Recognizing Transcension in Your Life
How do you know where you’re at right now? Here’s a simple way to check:
- When you’re aligned with Transcension, you feel a deep sense of inner calm. Even if the world is chaotic, you remain steady, centered, and clear. Your connection to God-Source feels present and alive, and you see deeper meaning in everyday occurrences. Your actions feel Soul-led and purposeful, and you’re no longer reactive to external triggers.
- When you’re out of alignment, life feels like a tug-of-war. You might over-give to the point of exhaustion, or force outcomes out of fear of losing control. The abundant flow of God-Source feels distant – something you have to “get to.” Receiving gifts from the Universe becomes difficult, and you often feel triggered by external chaos. You often feel triggered, frustrated that life isn’t going as you want
Take a moment to reflect here…
- Which side of the Separation Virus shows up for you most often?
- Are you ready to take responsibility for yourself?
- To realign yourself with your inner Unity, and begin transcending those distortions?
So how do you get onto
that Transcension Spiral Staircase?
This training is just the start, but here’s a simple way to begin Transcension:
1️⃣Recognize the distortion. Everything starts from awareness – if you don’t know its happening, you can’t correct it. Start by observing your patterns without judgment. Are you able to remain neutral? Or leaning toward victimhood or control? What emotions, thoughts, or behaviors come up repeatedly?
2️⃣Anchor in Unconditional Love. Every time you catch yourself in a distortion, bring your awareness back to your heart. Remind yourself that you are inherently worthy, whole, and connected to God-Source. Even if you don’t feel it – you are still part of the Universe, no one took you out! Remind yourself you exist for a reason and you are important, cherished, cared about by the Universe. Sometimes expanding into such state is easier by focusing something that naturally elicits love from your heart – like a pet, a baby, a beautiful view.
3️⃣Align with Inner Unity. Practice harmonizing your inner masculine (electric) and feminine (magnetic) energies so there is a dynamic interplay of these two energies within your system. Imagine them as your inner King and inner Queen (everyone on Earth has these!) – what kind of relationship they are having? Imagine them behaving in an ideal way towards each other (or going to couples therapy and making progress!). Feel that balance within you. Allow yourself to play-pretend this King and Queen inner story so that these two polarities can work out their issues within you.
The more you do this, the more power you generate within yourself. This helps you to reclaim the authority you may have unconsciously given away.
In the Transcension School, we go deeper into each of these steps with multi-D Meditations and practices that help you integrate this alignment fully into your life. But even now, just starting with awareness and intention will shift your experience.
Guardians & the Solar Council
Now that we’ve explored what Transcension is, and its profound role in your evolution, let’s take a step back and look at the multidimensional allies who have been guiding universal evolution, and humanity, from the very beginning: the Guardians and the Solar Council.
It’s so important to recognize that you are not walking this path alone. Even if you sometimes feel different, misunderstood, or like you don’t quite fit in with the world around you – that’s not a flaw. It’s a reflection of your Soul Mission.
You came here with a unique frequency, something rare and not yet fully anchored on Earth. You’re here to bring that frequency into this reality, to live it, embody it, and share it simply by being yourself. Even if you don’t turn it into a profession or a “mission” in the traditional sense, it’s still a vital part of your purpose to fully own it.
Understanding that you’re not alone on this journey is paramount. It allows you to step more fully into who you are, knowing that your frequency is part of a larger divine design – and that you are supported every step of the way.
Behind the scenes of our Universe’s grand design are the Guardians – beings of immense wisdom and love who have been holding the blueprint for spiritual evolution of all species, including us, in the Universe for eons. They are, quite literally, our celestial architects.
While everything originates from the One God or Oneness, the realized aspect of God-Source – the part that expanded into multiple dimensions, stars, and species across countless worlds – was brought into being by the divine expressions of God-Source that we refer to as the Guardians.
The Solar Council, a governing body of our Solar System and surrounding clusters, collaborates with these Guardians to ensure that every species – including humanity – has the tools to fulfill their genetic and spiritual potential.
These multidimensional beings aren’t just abstract concepts; they have direct implications for your daily life, your ability to connect to your Soul, and your capacity to align with your purpose.
If you are a Starseed (a Soul that came to Earth from the stars), you already dealt with the Solar Council when you got you “visa” to be allowed to incarnate on Earth as a human in the first place (just before your very fist lifetime on Earth).
If you are a native Earthling and you’re on this conscious path – you are what the Solar Council calls the “forerunner”, meaning you are the avant-garde of humanity when it comes to awakening. You might know of the Solar Council as the “protectors of Earth” that watch over the planet and the Solar System.
So, why becoming aware of the Guardians and the Solar Council is important? Why should they matter to you?
Because the Guardians and the Solar Council are actively working to restore humanity’s original blueprint – one that is free from distortions, limitations, and separation. By understanding their mission – and how they affect humanity – you can align with their guidance and step into the truth of who you are.
Who Are the Guardians & the Solar Council?
The Guardians are multidimensional beings who operate in higher harmonic of this Universes (4th subharmonic and beyond – 10D, 11D, and 12D). They are the original architects of the Service-to-Others species in our Universe. You may have heard of Guardians like the Paa-Tal (progenitors of all humanoid species), the Angeli (progenitors of angelic and insectoid species), and the Ghee-Ra (progenitors of dragon and reptilian species). These beings created blueprints for species to explore reality harmoniously, gathering wisdom and serving the greater good.
The Solar Council, on the other hand, is more specific to our Solar System. It includes the hosts of our star Sol and its planets (each being conscious in their own right), as well as multidimensional representatives from species who have used the Solar System’s stargate or had business within our system. This includes other star races, starseeds, Earth’s evolved beings, and even humans like you who are awakening to their multidimensional roles.
Quick Tip:
If you want to dive into various species – from the Guardians themselves to Pleiadean, Lyran, Sirian, Arcturian, to Dragons, Naga, and Marcians, to Nordic Aesir, Anshar, and Sasquatch, to Shambara, Kachina, Gaia herself – the you want to get my “ET Library” course! You’ll get ALL 3 components of the “ET Library”:💥The Kadishtu Guardians💥The Star Beings💥The Multi-D Earth (40 video lessons total)
But here’s the key: not all species remained aligned with their original Guardian blueprints.
Some become “infected” with what the Solar Council calls the Separation Virus – and became Service-to-Self, creating distortions that are very relevant to us today. Earth, in particular, has been heavily influenced by these distortions, but the Guardians and Solar Council are here to help humanity correct this course.
Separation Virus & Distortions
The Separation Virus is an energetic distortion that introduced duality into our Universe.
Duality itself is not inherently bad. In fact, duality is a natural part of creation, present in everything to varying degrees, with even more holographic layers woven into its design. Duality is meant to function as a dynamic interplay of two opposites – a harmonious dance where energies interweave, balance, and bounce off each other, keeping the flow of evolution intact.
However, when the Separation Virus arrived, it disrupted this balance. The two polarities were forced far apart, losing their dynamic interplay. Instead of flowing together, they became rigidly separated. This rigid separation trapped species in one polarity or the other, cutting off access to the opposing energy necessary for evolution. Both polarities are essential for growth, even if the balance varies – some species thrive with a 95/5 ratio, while here on Earth, we are closer to a 50/50 balance.
The impact of this polarity separation ripples through planetary grids, species’ genetic templates, and even your own energy field, creating blocks that hinder the natural flow of evolution and alignment.
The Separation Virus divided species into polarized camps:
- Service-to-Others: These beings are aligned with unity and harmony, where the dual polarities exist in a dynamic interplay – a natural, syntropic flow that fosters balance and evolution.
- Service-to-Self: These beings are focused on control and domination. Separated from the opposite polarity, they become trapped in their own, often stuck in the electric polarity. This separation creates a rigid imbalance, severely limiting their evolutionary path and capacity for growth.
Here’s how it shows up in our Solar System:
- On Earth: A planet once aligned with the Unity consciousness of Abundance and balanced directional focused intention with non-linear Quantum Creation©, now battling the scars of this virus in the form of human suffering, environmental imbalance, and collective chaos.
Imagine the group social fields like giant pieces of frozen ice around the planet – and they are now fracturing, sliding over each other, competing. Each of these “frozen sheets of ice” represents a group field, sustained by humans feeding it with their own energy.
That is what social control and manipulation truly look like – essentially a battleground of tribes, each connecting to and feeding these massive social morphogenic fields. It’s a form of “tribal warfare.”
In the literal sense, these morphogenic fields are tightly woven energy patterns that extend attachments and hooks into people who believe in them – and these people’s misguided faith regenerates the control field to keep controlling the person who is feeding it. It’s a symbiotic relationship, it becomes a closed circuit – the only escape is to wake up to what Reality really is: that all of this is an illusion (the Solar Council calls it “Simulation”) and YOU are in control of the game (if you dare to take that control).
Taking control of yourself – what I call “Self-mastery” – comes with a price. You must step into your sovereignty, becoming your own authority aligned with Unconditional Love and the Unity Consciousness of Christos-Sophia (we’ll dive deeper into this in just a bit, so stay tuned!).
- In your life: Feelings of separation, disconnection, fear, victimhood. Feelings of friction, pressure, unworthiness, and a constant power struggle. Any “striving” – trying to be good, working hard at earning love, stepping on yourself to match someone else’s expectation. This unforgiving feeling that you “messed up”, that you “could have done it better”, “could have been better”, that you are “not allowed” to have what you desire – are all symptoms of this energetic distortion.
While the Separation Virus added complexity to our Universe, it also brought an opportunity: the chance to transcend duality and integrate higher consciousness into everyday life. This is where the Guardians and Solar Council play a vital role – they hold the templates for realigning with Unity and Unconditional Love.
Recognizing the Guardians’ Influence in Your Life
You may not see them, but the Guardians and Solar Council are always working behind the scenes to guide humanity’s awakening. Not personally, no, they are “too big” for that – but… you can still notice the effect of their efforts in your everyday life!
Here’s how their influence might show up for you:
- In moments of clarity: That sudden knowing or insight that feels like it came from beyond your mind? It’s often a whisper from these multidimensional allies. This happens when you align with their templates.
- In your longing for freedom: The Guardians are here to help you free yourself from limiting patterns and align with your Soul’s mission – thus they have pre-installed this DRIVE to be FREE in you!
- In your connection to the Universe: When you feel a sense of awe, or a spark of inspiration, or an enthusiastic drive that propels you towards a vision and connects you to something greater – you’re tapping into the Guardians’ resonance.
Take a moment to reflect:
- Have you ever felt the presence of something greater guiding your path?
- Do you notice synchronicities or shifts that seem to align you with your higher purpose?
These are not coincidences. They are the work of the Guardians and the Solar Council, assisting you in realigning with your original divine blueprint.
How to Connect with the Guardians & Solar Council
While connecting with these multidimensional beings may sound complex, it’s simpler than you think. Here are a few ways to begin:
1️⃣ Set the Intention. Start by consciously inviting their guidance. A simple prayer or meditation, such as: “Guardians of the Christos-Sophia Blueprint, I invite your guidance as I realign with my Soul Mission and step into my mastery,” can create a powerful connection.
2️⃣Align Your Energy. Practice clearing distortions (like fear or victim consciousness) and raising your vibration by focusing on Unconditional Love and Inner Unity. This brings you into resonance with harmonious frequencies.
But here’s an important clarification: it’s not always about going higher. There’s a common misconception that we’re meant to constantly reach for higher frequencies, as though lower frequencies are inherently bad. That’s simply not true.
The key is in the harmony of the frequency, not its “height”. For example, planetary energy is a very low frequency, yet deeply grounding and healing. Angelic energy, on the other hand, is very high frequency and equally healing. Both are beneficial because they are harmonious. In contrast, lower astral energies, which are disharmonious, are not beneficial.
So, the goal isn’t just to climb higher – it’s to align with harmonious vibrations. That said, expanding your frequency range to encompass higher vibrations does allow you to access more direct and personal experiences of multi-dimensional reality. It’s about embracing the full spectrum of harmonious energies available to you.
If you’re ready to dive deeper, my FREE Solar Council mini-series explains more about these beings and how to connect with their guidance. What you get:💥Lesson 1: Who is Involved & With Whom We Share This Planet.💥Lesson 2: What It Looks Like, What It Does, With Whom We Share the Solar System.💥Lesson 3: Support Higher 3D & Don’t Resist Your Lessons.💥Lesson 4: Working With the Council, Get Energy Upgrades & Serve.💥Lesson 5: Starseed Initiative.
In the Transcension School, we work with the Guardians and Solar Council to not only understand their mission but to actively align with their templates through multidimensional meditations and practical steps.
The Christos-Sophia Blueprint
As we’ve explored Transcension and the role of the Guardians and Solar Council, you might wonder: What’s the end goal of all this?
You might believe that your Soul’s path is an ongoing one, or you’ve been told that its “not the destination, it’s the journey” – its always evolving and so on. And yes, in the bigger sense it is so. But… we are here to make a tangible impact in your 3D human life, right?
So the better question might be:
What does it look and feel like to live in alignment with the highest blueprint for humanity?
And the answer is – the Christos-Sophia Blueprint. Its a divine harmony of electric/masculine and magnetic/feminine energies that restores your connection to your Soul, the Universe, and your purpose. This is how you get to live your Soul Mission and feel worthy to receive amazing gifts from the Universe.
Every great spiritual tradition, no matter its name or origin, has pointed toward this inner balance of energies – the electric (masculine) and magnetic (feminine), the yang and the ying, the action and the receptivity, the creator and the nurturer. While these teachings may use different words, they’re all describing the same frequencies that the Solar Council refers to as Christos and Sophia.
The Christos-Sophia Blueprint is NOT religious, and it’s not confined to one belief system. It’s a multidimensional map for restoring inner unity – a harmony that allows you to transcend Duality and live as a fully integrated, Sovereign being.
And why should this matter to you? Because when your inner masculine and feminine energies are in balance:
- You feel at Peace. No more constant tug-of-war between doing and being, achieving and resting, controlling and trusting.
- You gain Clarity. Decisions become easier because your Higher Self leads, not your fears or insecurities. You can see, you understand, inner wisdom and intuition is activated, you naturally know what is right for you.
- You embody Abundance. You stop chasing and start attracting – you become magnetic. You become a vibratory match for your desires. Your life begins to feel like flow instead of friction.
This is the path of Christos-Sophia, and it’s available to everyone who chooses to walk it.
What Is the Christos-Sophia Blueprint?
At its essence, the Christos-Sophia Blueprint is the divine architecture for living in alignment with Unconditional Love, Sovereignty, Inner Authority, and Self-Mastery in Unity Consciousness.
Here’s how it works:
Christos energy represents the divine masculine: structure, clarity, action, purpose, and focused creation. It is the electric current that moves outward and creates.
- Christos is represented by an equidistant cross – the 2 lines intersecting in the middle, creating a point – or vortex! – of the Inner Light which represents the embodiment of an Eternal God-Human (for all humanoid species of the Universe, descendants of the Paa-Tal Kadishtu Guardians).
- Christos energy resonates God-Source into all dimensions, as they are eternally watched over by the Guardians and the Solar Council.
- See, you are unique being – every Soul has taken the same journey of Descension from higher dimensions and Ascension back home, but each Soul has taken a unique path and evolved at a different level at the end of the evolution cycles which determined the degree of Christos consciousness it can hold.
- In the human energy field, Christos frequencies are received through the structural levels of the field – 1st Etheric, 3rd Mental, 5th Truth, 7th Conceptual, 9th Crystalline, 11th Akashic Library.
FYI: The structural levels of your energy field are like the scaffolding of your energy body, while the fluid levels are its moving currents – together, they create a dynamic system of balance that is You.
Sophia energy represents the divine feminine: receptivity, intuition, nurture, flow, and unconditional love. It is the magnetic current that draws inward and holds.
- To even begin to understand it, we must first realize that the Universal Mother principle has been heavily suppressed on Earth for a long time and only recently begins to come out. There were many distortions and “false mothers” created that humanity got stuck in and only now begins to return to the true Sophia Light energy.
- She is represented by the circle (containing an equidistant cross) – an emanation of the Unconditional Love which represents the embodiment of Void and Oneness from which all life comes. She is the “soft light” (similar to the star light or moonlight)
- Sophia principle is initiated through the Guardians – the Angelic Seraphim, Ghee-Ra’s Dragon Mothers, Paa-Tal’s Holy Lady Mary, and so on. She took many forms and had many faces in 3D.
- In the human energy field, Sophia frequencies are received through the fluid levels of the field – 2nd Emotional, 4th Astral, 6th Unconditional, 8th Time, 10th Unity, 12th Oneness.

Not sure what these levels of the human energy system mean but really want to have clarity on it? Definitely get my book “Mission Alpha: The Wise and Passionate You”. It is a complete manual for energy-anatomy, with practical tools & techniques for healing.
Packed with 300 pages of insights, it fully decodes the mysteries of your energetics and empowers you to become a master of your energy and your life. Check it out below.
“Be At One with All, as One is All” – this is the eternal nature of the God-Source – of Christos-Sophia Union.
When these energies are balanced within you, they create a Still Point of Unity – a state where your Soul feels anchored, your life flows effortlessly, and your actions become an expression of divine wisdom. This creates an energy vortex – an inner stargate – through which you can manifest anything you desire (of course by then all your desires are Soul-led, not Ego-based).
Practicing Unity Consciousness is a way to live in the “3rd point of Unity” – i.e. transcending duality while still experiencing it at the same time (imagine a triangle pointing up, 2 lower points are us here in duality, and the top point represents unity – of the Christ-Sophia anchor).
How is the Christos-Sophia Blueprint anchored on Earth?
Because of our dualistic learning process, on our planet this energy runs on two separate fields that are linked together.
On one hand, Christos-Sophia Blueprint anchors in the Christ Consciousness Grid – a Christos-based crystalline energy field that surrounds Earth in higher dimensions and supports humanity’s higher evolution here in 3D. The Christ Consciousness Grid looks like a crystalline lattice that bright white light shined out of (like ice patterns on a window in the winter) – it was assembled with the help of the Solar Council, many service-to-others beings, incarnate on Earth starseeds, and a few conscious earthlings groups.
But it was not fully operational because humanity’s group consciousness was still tethered to the distorted reality created by the Separation Virus. While some conscious individuals on Earth have been able to tune into the Christ Consciousness Grid, the majority have struggled to access it – and even now, many people find it challenging to expand their frequency range enough to connect with it fully.
On the other hand, Christos-Sophia Blueprint anchors in the Abundance Grid – a multi-D field that is more Sophia-based and acts as a consistent anchor of all possibilities for all service-to-others species. It is more of a “field” than a “grid” – it looks like a forever moving ocean of melted gold-orange-white energy with a soft peach and white glow emanating from it as it moves. We used to have such field around Earth naturally, Gaia set it up billions of years ago. And many early human civilizations connected to the Abundance Grid with ease – they felt themselves to be an integral part of all creation and were able to connect to the Universal Quantum Field.
However, as human consciousness fell, many became entangled in controlling Victim-Victimizer grids and False Light morphogenic fields. This disconnection caused humanity to lose access to the Abundance Grid – and its Sophia Light frequency.
So, the Christ Consciousness Grid and the Abundance Grid together form Christos-Sophia anchor for Earth – it is the core holographic assembly in which morphogenetic fields – patterns of energy that shape perception of reality – are structured.
Its natural function is to generate the light-sound spark of abundance, allowing you to break free from the Separation Virus of this Simulation and reconnect to the Universal Intelligence (UI) – a source of infinite knowledge and eternal life expansion. This connection is your birthright!
By aligning with this grids, you access the Universal Intelligence (UI) of God-Source, allowing you to live with grace, abundance, and freedom as a cosmic human – a conscious citizen of the Universe.
Facing the Distortions:
Imbalances in Masculine & Feminine Energies
Of course, most people live far from the harmony of Christos-Sophia. First of all, the 2 grids themselves (Christ Consciousness and Abundance) that are supposed to anchor the Christos-Sophia Blueprint on Earth – these 2 grids were not always functioning well because of the larger influences on humanity by the service-to-self species and humanity’s path of victimhood that we are still recovering from.
Secondly, these distortions in the planetary grids, combined with societal conditioning and generations of karmic baggage have created imbalances in our inner masculine and feminine energies (which BTW have nothing to do with what body you are in, everyone has some ratio of both polarities).
Here’s what this might look like:
- Overactive electric/masculine energy (Christos distortion): You may feel overly driven (negatively ambitious), controlling, or rigid. There’s constant pressure to achieve, win, or force outcomes. This energy disconnects you from being in the moment, being in flow, cuts you off from the voice of your intuition, leading to burnout and disconnection from your heart. In the extreme, this is the Victimizer (often towards ourselves!)
- Overactive magnetic/feminine energy (Sophia distortion): You may feel overly passive, ungrounded, or emotionally overwhelmed. You end up not having clear boundaries, absorbing other people’s emotions, or get stuck in indecision a lot. This energy disconnects you from taking action and manifesting your desires. In the extreme, this is the Victim which often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
These distortions keep you in a state of fragmentation – constantly seeking something outside yourself to complete you.
Recognizing Christos-Sophia in Your Life
How do you know when you’re aligned with the Christos-Sophia Blueprint?
When you’re in alignment:
- You feel balanced and calm, even in chaos.
- You take inspired action without forcing or overthinking.
- You trust your intuition while staying grounded in practical reality.
- Your relationships are harmonious, respectful, and focused on mutual growth.
When you’re out of alignment:
- You might feel torn between extremes – like working endlessly one moment and collapsing into emotional overwhelm the next.
- You may experience cycles of frustration, procrastination, or overthinking.
- Relationships might feel strained or imbalanced, with power struggles or co-dependency showing up.
Take a moment to reflect:
- Is your Christos energy (electric/masculine) more dominant? Or do you lean more into Sophia energy (magnetic/feminine)? What feels imbalanced, and what is harmonious?
- Where do you feel the tug-of-war between them in your life?
How to Begin Aligning with the Christos-Sophia Blueprint
Starting this alignment doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You may have already experienced moments of natural alignment with Christos-Sophia frequency – perhaps in meditation, during a walk in nature, or in that serene “3rd point of Unity” within you. But we want to be able to stay connected consciously and consistently.
Here are three simple steps you can take today:
1️⃣ Tune into the Christ Consciousness Grid and Abundance Grid. Spend time in meditation imagining a crystalline light grid surrounding Earth and connecting you to your highest potential and your Soul Mission. Then shifting to the soft glow of the fluid abundance that has fulfillment of all your desires. Allow these frequencies to flow through you, balancing your electric and magnetic energies.
2️⃣ Practice Inner Stillness. Create moments of silence in your day to tune into your inner world. Imagine entering the “3rd point” – the Still Point of Unity – your inner King and Queen coming together to co-create.
3️⃣ Anchor in Your Higher Self. When “life happens” and you get triggers, feel pulled into extremes or distortions, pause and ask yourself: What would my Higher Self do in this moment? Let that inner guidance guide your next step. Give yourself a gift of the “pause”!
In the Transcension School, we dive deeper with multidimensional meditations and prompts designed to help you calibrate and fully embody the Christos-Sophia Blueprint. This process allows your system to recognize, experience, and anchor that vibration. It’s not just about achieving balance—it’s about stepping into the truth of who you are, radiating that truth into the world, becoming the Light within the semi-darkness of humanity, and fully living your Soul Mission.
Living the Christos-Sophia Blueprint
Let’s take a moment to reflect on everything we’ve covered in this training.
You’ve learned what it means to step into Transcension, to move beyond the limitations of Ascension as a goal – and instead embrace a state of self-mastery, loving sovereign authority, and freedom. This is the spiral staircase of evolution that Souls go through – when you:
- incarnate on Earth bringing your inner light here,
- become muddled in all the negative patterns and fields,
- then transcend them through self-mastery,
- anchor into your Soul and align with the Universe,
- and serve humanity by sharing your Gifts with the world.
We’ve explored the role of the Guardians and the Solar Council, the multidimensional allies who have held humanity’s divine blueprint from the very beginning. By understanding their mission, you gain clarity about your own. You begin to see how their guidance is present in your life, supporting your evolution and helping you reconnect with your highest potential as a cosmic human being.
Finally, we dove deep into the Christos-Sophia Blueprint, the divine harmony of electric (masculine) and magnetic (feminine) energies that restores inner Unity. You’ve seen how these energies are anchored on Earth through the Christ Consciousness Grid and Abundance Grid, and how aligning with this Blueprint can transform your life – from chaos to peace, from triggers to Still Point, from striving to attracting, from Separation to Abundance.
How this relates to your actual life
Here’s the truth: These concepts aren’t just cosmic theories – they’re practical tools for expanding your perception, healing your body, and living your Soul Mission. As you integrate these vibrations into your life, everything begins to shift. Like magic, your entire Simulation hologram starts to align with the frequencies you embody through this work.
When you embrace Transcension, you:
- Stop being reactive to external triggers and start living from your inner authority.
- Step into your Soul Mission with clarity, confidence, and courage.
- Become a force for good – not just in your own life, but for humanity’s awakening. You step into your role as the true avant-garde, leading the edge of human evolution frequency-wise. Every being’s frequency matters – you are an essential part of the whole. The specific resonance you hold within your system influences not only your personal experience but also the collective consciousness of humanity. The more people who hold aligned, high-frequency vibrations, the greater the impact on the collective. You matter. Your frequency matters. And the resonance you embody shapes the future for all of us.
When you align with the Guardians and the Solar Council, you:
- Feel supported and guided, knowing you’re not alone in this journey.
- Tap into the wisdom of the cosmic architects who are working to restore humanity’s divine blueprint.
- Realize that you are part of something far greater – a Universal symphony of evolution and creation, and you are an essential note within it. Without you, the Universe would be entirely different – you are one of its indispensable pieces. Every single being contributes to this magnificent symphony, and none of us can be removed without altering the whole. We are all needed to create this extraordinary harmony.
When you embody the Christos-Sophia Blueprint, you:
- Experience a profound sense of balance and inner peace.
- Effortlessly attract Love, Abundance, and opportunities as you become a vibratory match for your desires.
Harmonize your masculine and feminine energies, allowing your Soul’s light to shine through every action you take
How to Anchor These Teachings: Your Next Step
Everything we’ve explored today is just the beginning – this is why Transcension Gate Membership (TGM) exists as a cosmic portal to guide you through the path of Transcension. And in Transcension School we decode your path to multi-D awakening.
You’ve got a lot of conceptual understanding here, but…
I know you’re here because you want to experience it, right?
But to truly experience this transformation – you must commit to doing the work:
- Recognizing distortions and imbalances within yourself – but instead of judging yourself for them, actually taking clear steps to transcend these limitations.
- Balancing structural and fluid energies within yourself – recognizing where your strengths are, how to apply your Gifts.
- Staying vigilant about your thoughts and beliefs – so you consistently unplug from any negative controlling fields
In Transcension School we will keep processing and decoding these steps for you.
You can get a lot of data but if this information remains conceptual knowledge, it doesn’t become a lived in wisdom in your body. This is why one of the most important parts of change is to BE in the correct frequency. To actually experience it in your body and maintain it. To do that, you need:
- Know what you are aiming for
- Clean up any interference patterns to it
- Experience the frequency point of reference so you can maintain it
You might conceptualize a frequency but if you don’t know what is the experience of it in your body, it wont transform you. To anchor any frequency you need to have it in your field consciously, so you see it as a temporary point of reference, and then can recognize and remember the vibration and activate or resonate with it again on your own later on as in “now I can repeat it by myself because I know what I’m aiming for”.
This is why in Transcension School you get the theta brainwave meditations specifically designed to put your body and energy field into the correct multi-D frequency so you can access the energies we’ve talked about and practice them on your own. This way you can actually integrate the experiences and together we all can hold the frequencies and resonate them into the planet.
This is why we do the weekly 8-hour multi-D transmissions that allow us to influence ourselves together as collective (all Transcension Gate Members) and also human collective in general, and the planet as well.
If you’re already a member of Transcension Gate (TGM), grab your headphones and dive into the theta brainwave meditation that will guide you into the awesome energies of the Christos-Sophia Blueprint, connect you to the Christ Consciousness Grid and the Abundance Grid, help your body relieve itself from all the hooks and distortions you might have been plugged into – so you can be free and connected to these multi-D energies and live your Soul Mission. Materials to deepen your integration, and this meditation, are ready for you dive into in Transcension School.
If you are not a TG member yet – join us right now:
Your journey is sacred. Your light is needed. And your time is now.
Let’s walk this path together.
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.