Starseed Initiative
A special project of the Solar Council to bring Starseeds from all over the Universe to Earth – to anchor the planetary Ascension Timeline and release Earth from the entropic control systems of False God into the syntropic harmonious systems of Unity Consciousness.
transcension gate is a starseed initiative portal
Be Love. Be Free. Be God Source
In the photo above, the Ankh represents the Eternal Life. Ankh’s hands are holding the staff (Vertical Tube/prana channel) with the head of Anubis (representing Life beyond matter) and the lower end of a “tuning fork” (representing Resonating) – all anchored on a half-sphere (the Sanctuary Sphere). This is an ancient Egyptian representation of the Starseed Initiative – of conscious beings resonating Unity Consciousness into the planet and generating syntropic Sanctuary Spheres.

Why do Starseeds come to Earth?
Starseeds hold the ASCENSION TIMELINE for this planet. We possess a GENETIC MEMORY of God Source Oneness and of other dimensions. Each starseed has a UNIQUE PATH of learning and service, depending on their Soul Contract, planetary contract with the Solar Council, and agreements with their home race.
TRANSCENSION GATE MEMBERSHIP is an ANCHOR PORTAL for the Starseed Initiative on Earth – supported and guided by the Solar Council, the multidimensional Guardian Founder races, and myself.
Who are the Starseeds?
Who are the Starseeds? Starseeds are the people, whose Souls came to Earth from elsewhere, while Earthlings are native to this planet’s soul-group. Starseeds have already gone through an ascension of consciousness in the realities
Where are the Starseeds from?
Where are Starseeds from? All Starseeds are from different places in the Universe – some are from neighboring star systems and from the cultures who are heavily involved with Earth, others are from higher dimensions
What is the Starseed mission?
What is the Starseed mission? There is one “mission” for all living beings – to evolve, to comprehend, to create, to serve the God Source. Thus, first and foremost we are all here to LEARN
Types of Starseed Missions
Types of Starseed Missions Here are 8 general types of Starseed missions on Earth: Lightworker / Healer Genetic Alchemist Teacher Gridworker Resonator Guardian of Species Imprinter of Water Acupuncture Needle Lightworker / Healer Starseed mission
Sanctuary Spheres
Sanctuary Spheres One of the most immediate goals that the starseeds have on Earth today is to support the Higher 3D ascension timeline by creating Sanctuary Spheres. These are energy zones of spheroid shape, resonating
Walking the Starseed path
Walking the Starseed Path Each person’s path is unique, and all paths have the right to exist. The Earthling soul group has a communal path with a variation for each individual. Starseeds have their own
Do you want to:
♦ Get the “FRONT ROW SEAT” in all MAJOR PLANETARY EVENTS involving timeline changes, energy-code upgrades, non-physical beings’ involvement, the activity of the Solar Council and multidimensional Guardians!
♦ PARTICIPATE in the Starseed Initiative projects firsthand?
♦ Receive ENERGY ACTIVATIONS and UPGRADES every week to support your process of SPIRITUAL and BIOLOGICAL ASCENSION?
♦ Learn about universal CONSCIOUSNESS ORIGINS, ET INVOLVEMENT with this planet, GENEALOGIES of Light beings?
♦ BE UNDERSTOOD, RESPECTED and SUPPORTED by a community of sensitive conscious people?
What members say...

In Transcension Gate membership
the Starseed Path
is CLEARLY laid out for you,
with monthly PRACTICAL STEPS to follow,
with MENTORING SUPPORT of the Solar Council and Kadushtu Guardians,
Are you ready?
Inside Transcension Gate membership you will find a community of devoted to this process people – Starseeds & Forerunners of Ascension on Earth.
Psychic self-defense
Become a SOVEREIGN BEING and make sure that no one can mess with your system – a self-study e-course on anti-lower-astral, anti-alien-implant, anti-draining-humans!