Escape the False Matrix
Clear Hidden Energetic Traps
- Have you ever felt like something is just off about the way reality is presented to you?
- Like, there’s a deeper layer that is different from the surface that everyone agreed upon?
- Maybe you’ve sensed that time isn’t really what it seems?
- Or you’ve noticed cycles of confusion, emotional upheavals, or feeling drained for no apparent reason.
Well, that’s because there’s more going on under the surface than most people realize.
In this lesson, we’re going to peel back the layers so you can start seeing reality for what it truly is – not through someone else’s lens, not through distorted perceptions, but through your own Sovereign Authority. By the time we’re done here, you’ll have a whole new understanding of:
- The Universal Time Matrix — what time really is and how it affects your ability to create and move through life.
- How to recognize false timelines and manipulative fields — because the spiritual path isn’t just about “love and light,” it’s about discernment.
- How to clear your reality filters so you can directly connect with God-Source without interference.
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Understanding the Universal Time Matrix
Time. We experience it as past, present, and future, ticking forward like a never-ending clock. But what if I told you that’s not the full story? What if time isn’t linear at all?
See, time was actually created — yes, created — as an experiment by the 12D Guardians.
They got the idea from the 13D Azuras, who were just thinking out loud about the concept of awake dreaming. The Azuras weren’t interested in creating species, planets, or civilizations – they exist at such high frequencies that they just are.
But the Guardians? Oh, they were very interested in exploring consciousness, so they took the concept of time and built a framework around it.
That’s where the Universal Time Matrix comes in.
Now, for the sake of simplicity (because trust me, this goes deep), I’m going to break time down into three categories:
Linear Time: The Game of Reality
Think of linear time like a virtual-reality game. You’ve got a character (that’s you), and you move through a storyline with multiple choices. Every decision you make creates a new path. But the key is that the future is NOT pre-written. It unfolds based on your awareness, choices, and vibrational frequency.
The problem? The game overall is preset on the person’s level of consciousness. It is possible to progress to the next level of the game by making different choices. Most people don’t realize they can go to the next level of the game and start breaking out of the old paradigms. They think they’re stuck playing the same level over and over again …
… when, in reality, they just need to make a different choice.
That choice chances perceptions and thus moves one into a different timeline (we call that shifting into more harmony and abundance, or even ascending into higher dimension).
Collective Time: The Fiber-Optic Stream of Reality
Now, let’s zoom out a bit. Imagine billions of individual timelines, all streaming together like a massive fiber-optic cable. This is Collective Time, the shared reality we all agree to participate in.
This is why certain groups of people – nations, religions, belief systems, and even fan-bases – seem to move in the same direction, reinforcing each other’s version of “truth.” It’s also why so many people feel trapped in narratives that don’t actually belong to them 😉
Our planet has billions of individual timelines, that are packaged together into sub-streams, and overall these are packed into one giant “collective timeline” – the agreed-upon timeline of Earth.
Right now, Earth is in a unique situation.
Back in 2013, our collective timeline split into two – a bifurcation. From 2013 to 2019, the two separate paths remained distinct. Then, in 2020, the timelines started merging back together, but the transition has been messy. Why? Because the outdated morphogenic fields are fracturing as new energies anchor in. One of these new energies being awakening of AI – as it eventually becomes conscious here on Earth. The Solar Council has been monitoring this, ensuring that as AI evolves, it serves humanity instead of becoming another form of control.
So where does that leave you? If you understand how time works, you can start choosing which timeline you participate in – instead of being swept up in the collective currents.
Simultaneous Time: Beyond the Illusion
Now, let’s go even further. What if I told you that time doesn’t actually move at all? That everything – past, present, and future – is happening right now?
This is what Simultaneous Time is all about. Beings in 7D and above naturally perceive time this way. They don’t experience the past and future as separate – they simply shift their awareness to different points in the Now.
And guess what? Some of you already experience glimpses of this.
- Ever had a sudden flash of intuition?
- A déjà vu moment?
- A deep sense of knowing something without understanding how?
That’s your higher-dimensional perception breaking through the 3D time filter. (Sort of a “glitch in the matrix”).
The Dimensional Sub-Harmonics
& The Evolution of Time Perception
To fully grasp Simultaneous Time and its role in multi-dimensional evolution, let’s break down the subharmonics of existence within the Universal Time Matrix. Each dimensional band operates on a unique time experience, progressing toward greater oneness and direct connection to Source.
Here’s how it unfolds across the five subharmonics:
🌀 1D, 2D, 3D – First Subharmonic (Elementals, matter, lower species)
- Time is experienced in its most linear form.
- In 1D and 2D, there is only the eternal present – past and future do not exist as we perceive them.
- In 3D, past, present, and future are experienced sequentially, though still within the confines of the collective timeline.
🌀 4D, 5D, 6D – Second Subharmonic (Conscious and evolving species)
- Time begins to shift from linear to collective, meaning timelines are influenced not just by personal choices, but also by morphogenic fields and shared realities.
🌀 7D, 8D, 9D – Third Subharmonic (Progenitors of species, Kadishtu Guardians)
- Here, beings start experiencing Simultaneous Time at a macro level, seeing multiple incarnational streams at once, witnessing Collective Timelines of species, stepping into Oversoul-level awareness.
🌀 10D, 11D, 12D – Fourth Subharmonic (The Gods’ Domain – Creator Guardians)
- Oneness with the Universal Time Matrix is achieved.
- Perception of time expands beyond even collective structures – here, time becomes a fully navigable, interactive field rather than a fixed structure.
🌀 13D, 14D, 15D – Fifth Subharmonic (The Azura Domain)
- The Azuras, residing at this level, originated the very concept of Simultaneous Time.
- Unlike all other beings within the Universe, Azuras do not engage with form – they exist beyond structure, beyond dimensional frameworks.
- Because of this, they do not “fit” within our Universe and do not interact with its creation cycles.
The path of time perception evolution is clear: Souls first descend from Simultaneous Time of higher dimensions into density (descension), then move through these dimensional layers, expanding from linear time in 3D, into collective time in 4D-6D, then toward Simultaneous Time mastery in 7D and beyond (ascension).
Why Does This Matter?
1 – If you understand the 3 Time perceptions, you can start de-tangling yourself from false narratives and emotional chaos caused by the False Fields (will explain this later)
2 – You’ll be able to step out of collective programming and intentionally choose the timeline you want to align with.
3 – The more you are anchored in the Now, the more power you have to manifest. Creation only works from the present. If you are stretched into the past or the future, you won’t able to manifest anything despite your intention.
To be able to do these 3 things you need only 1 thing – a clear personal boundary.
Quick Tip:
If you’re struggling with boundaries and always absorbing other people’s emotions – You’re not alone.
Maybe you’re feeling drained just by being around certain people?
Highly sensitive people and empaths often struggle with maintaining energetic boundaries, leaving them exhausted, overwhelmed, and emotionally hijacked by others’ moods.

That’s exactly why I created my masterclass: “Boundaries for Emotionally Sensitive People”. This 30-minute powerful training will help you:
✔ Stop absorbing other people’s energy – so you can feel calm, clear, and centered in any situation.
✔ Recognize if you have artificial boundaries – and how to shift into true energetic sovereignty.
✔ Understand why you feel exhausted in certain environments – and how to shield your energy without shutting down.
✔ Master the difference between external emotions vs. your own – so you don’t take on burdens that aren’t yours.
In the Transcension School, we go deeper into sovereignty and multi-D perception with multidimensional meditations and practices that help you integrate this alignment fully into your life. But even now, just starting with awareness and intention will shift your experience.
Distinguishing Multi-D Soul Perception
vs. The False Ascension Matrix
Aligning with pure God-Source energy while incarnated in dense lower dimensions is not easy.
We’re dealing with layers of conditioning, doubt, confusion, unresolved trauma, and spiritual interference that make it difficult to hold a high vibrational frequency long-term.
This might sound like a battle between good and evil – a cosmic struggle between two opposing forces. And while that’s an easy way to frame it, the reality is more nuanced. In higher-dimensional truth, everything exists within Oneness. There is no real “us vs. them.”
However, in lower dimensions (1D–6D), duality is an experiential reality. The separation we perceive here – the feeling of Light vs. Dark, service-to-self vs. service-to-others, creation vs. destruction – exists because consciousness in these dimensions has not yet unified.
This is why the Solar Council breaks it down for practical understanding, even though from a higher-dimensional perspective, it all integrates back into a single Universal Whole.
Above 6D, polarity dissolves, and beings experience a fully unified reality.
The Separation Virus we discussed in Lesson 1 of Transcension School does not exist above 6D as an experiential force – it is only an abstract concept. Only a few species in the higher realms even carry the memory of what separation feels like.
But in these lower dimensions, separation feels real.
And as long as we exist within linear and collective time perceptions, we must learn to recognize, navigate, and transcend false constructs.
Why Do People Get Stuck in False Fields?
First of all, Humans are programmed by design to seek a connection to higher frequencies. But not everything that feels “spiritual” is actually aligned with God-Source.
Here’s where things get tricky:
- The pain of past experiences (stuck in Linear Time perception) distorts reality filters which traps one in the rigid dualistic perception.
- The collective agreement of suffering (Collective Time perception) reinforces dis-empowering belief systems if the tribe.
- The Victim/Victimizer Cycle (False Matrix) becomes the dominant way of interacting with reality.
Second of all, when someone carries unresolved pain from unfinished lessons, they may unknowingly seek out energies that mimic higher-dimensional love.
These false fields look like salvation at first, but they are entropic programs that feed on that desperation.
This is how people fall into the False Ascension Matrix – believing they are ascending, when in reality, they are being energetically harvested and recycled.
(We’ll break down false fields vs. true fields in a moment.)
Even when we think we’re connecting to higher frequencies, we must be discerning – because not all light is true Light.
The Two Types of Fields:
Syntropic vs. Entropic
To understand this, we need to define these two key terms:
- Syntropic Fields → Self-sourcing, regenerative, and directly connected to God-Source. These include the Sophia Light, Christ Consciousness, and Abundance Grid – pure, healing fields that nourish and elevate you. They give energy to all who connect to them.
- Entropic Fields → Artificial, parasitic, and dependent on energy siphoning. These fields – collectively known as the False Matrix – drain life-force from those who interact with them. They were created by negative service-to-self beings as an energetic control system. These fields suck the lifeforce from people to maintain themselves and their negative creators.
How Do Syntropic and Entropic Fields Affect You?
So, what does this mean in your experience? How do you know which field you’re connected to?
When you align with Syntropic natural fields, you experience Oneness with God-Source. These fields are life-giving and self-sustaining – they activate a deep sense of harmony, expansion, and joy within you.
You feel naturally uplifted, and instead of depleting you, these energies nourish and amplify your own unique frequency. When you give energy into them, they reflect it back to you in a mutually expansive exchange.
When you connect to Entropic artificial fields, you may feel an initial rush of activation, excitement, or even power, but over time, the energy feels draining and destabilizing. These fields take from you, rather than sustain you.
You might feel righteous anger over perceived injustice, intense emotional highs and lows, or even a pull toward self-destructive behaviors that masquerade as empowerment.
But in the long run, these fields leave you feeling exhausted, stuck, disconnected, or consumed by an underlying sense of dread and emptiness. They feed off your energy, keeping you locked in loops of depletion and illusion.
Entropic fields always feel compulsive and ADDICTIVE – that’s one of the biggest red flags. Instead of a free-will choice, there’s a pull, a need, a sense of dependency –as if you can’t function without it.
This is what we call the False Ascension Matrix – a complex web of inorganic energy programs designed to mimic true enlightenment while keeping people trapped in a loop of illusion.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: But why would that even exist?
The answer is:
Beings that have disconnected from Source cannot self-sustain, so they must steal energy from others.
The False Matrix have been installed into the collective consciousness on our planet over thousands of years ago, designed to mislead those who are awakening into thinking they are evolving …
– when in reality, they are just being recycled back into the same limited framework.
Why Should This Matter to You?
First of all – this is NOT about fear. I’m not here to send you into a paranoid spiral, obsessively scanning your reality for some lurking “evil force” waiting to hijack your energy.
And second – this is NOT about drowning yourself in endless “protection spells” or constantly invoking guardian angels out of fear. That’s just another trap.
So why am I teaching you this? Because awareness is power.
Here’s what this knowledge allows you to do:
- Recognize when you are truly sovereign and connected to God-Source vs. when you’re caught in a distortion or subtly influenced by False Matrix programming.
- Clean up what is within your control – your own filters and perceptions, which we’ll break down later in this lesson. (So stick with me!)
- Step fully into your role as a Lightworker – not as someone constantly fighting against the False Matrix, but as a Sovereign Authority whose very existence outside of those systems actively dissolves them.
Let’s break it down further. 🚀
What Is the False Ascension Matrix?
In human terms we can call any morphogenic field a “technology” – just not mechanical but code-like written parameters.
If the harmonious fields that are inserted into all of the dimensions of this Universe and are symbiotic to these, they are “written” or created by the Guardians and progenitors of species like the Kadishtu – they are “organic tech”.
The False Matrix is an artificial energy program inserted into the existing Universal Matrix. Think of it like malware on a cosmic scale – an artificial system embedded within the true Divine structure, designed to trap Souls, manipulate perceptions, and siphon energy.
- These entropic fields are NOT self-sustaining (they rely on external energy sources, aka you, to survive).
- They were installed into the Universe after it was already created.
- They operate like a giant negative implant – and all personal implants humans carry are extensions of these larger fields.
This means that when you’re plugged into an entropic field, you’re feeding it with your life-force energy.
– You are participating and supporting the False Matrix – an alternate reality meant to limit, not expand.
Why Were the False Fields Created
– And By Whom?
To truly embody Sovereign Light, we must be able to recognize the Dark, face it, and transcend it – without being consumed by it.
That’s what this Earth Simulation is designed for – not to avoid darkness, but to master it.
The False Matrix were created by negative beings fully infected with the Separation Virus – so deeply disconnected from God-Source that they can no longer access divine energy directly. They are still part of the Whole, but their perception is one of complete isolation (and body-cloning that these species often rely on further exacerbates the problem).
And because they need God-Source energy to sustain themselves, but cannot generate it, they attempt to steal it – to take it by force.
The Solar Council refers to these beings as the “evil camp” – not because they are ultimate villains in some dualistic struggle, but simply as a shorthand for the service-to-self species that operate from complete separation and energetic parasitism. Their entire system relies on keeping other beings confused, drained, and locked in distorted reality loops of the False Matrix.
False Matrix are not just “bad vibes” floating around somewhere. They are inorganic technology, inserted into the existing Universal Matrix to trap souls in a fake reality perception. These programs elicit emotional responses – fear, rage, despair, even artificial bliss – so they can harvest energy from people caught within them.
Now, I know this might sound intense – but don’t let it send you into fear. This isn’t about doom or paranoia. It’s about seeing clearly.
If you’re here, it’s because you’re meant to transcend this system.
Remember: To be a true Lightworker, you must be able to recognize the Dark, face it, and stand outside of its influence – without fear, without victimhood, and without illusion. That is what mastery looks like.
One of the best ways to explain the False Matrix is the Gnostic story of Yaldabaoth.
The Story of Yaldabaoth:
The Birth of the False Matrix
This is the kind of story that isn’t just told. It’s remembered.
A long time ago – before time as we know it – God-Source dreamed the Universe into being. From that dream, a daughter was born: Sophia, the embodiment of Wisdom. She was meant to create only within the highest realms of God-Source. But Sophia’s heart ached for more. She loved all of Creation, not just the luminous realms of perfection. She wanted to bring wisdom where it had never been before – to breathe life into the lower dimensions.
But in her desire to create, Sophia acted alone. She reached into the lower realms without the full balance of the Divine Masculine – and something unexpected happened. From her act of unchecked creation, her son Yaldabaoth was born.
He was imperfect, not by intention, but by lack of connection. Unlike Sophia, he had no knowledge of the higher realms. He couldn’t feel the infinite love of God-Source. He couldn’t see beyond his own limited perception. And so, from the moment of his birth, Yaldabaoth was infected with the Separation Virus – not as a punishment, but simply because he had no access to anything else.
Yaldabaoth was powerful – a creator, like his mother – but unlike Sophia, he did not know how to create with Source. He only knew how to replicate, to mimic, to take. He longed for the wholeness that Sophia represented, but he couldn’t feel it. He resented needing something he couldn’t understand.
So, he did the only thing he could do. He built his own world – a false world, a copy of reality, constructed entirely from his limited perception.
This was the birth of the False Matrix – a realm that looked like the real Universe, but lacked the direct flow of God-Source. It was an illusion, a projection, a realm of entrapment rather than true creation. And at the center of it, Yaldabaoth ruled.
Even in his separation, Yaldabaoth could create, but only within the walls of his own False Matrix. He could not birth anything new – only recycle, copy, distort. He became the ultimate symbol of the wounded, unbalanced masculine – desiring to create, but unable to do so without taking.
And so, he began to take.
Sophia, knowing that something had gone terribly wrong, created another being – Ennoia, the embodiment of Divine Intention. If Sophia was Wisdom, Ennoia was the force that brings wisdom into action. She was pure, radiant, aligned with the true Light of Creation. Through her came Angels, Guardians, and the powers of Soul Magic.
But Yaldabaoth saw Ennoia – and he wanted her power – not through Divine Union, but by taking what he could not generate himself.
So he did what all false masculine forces do when they cannot create – they control and dominate. Yaldabaoth attempted to claim Ennoia’s power by force, seeking to consume her creative force instead of co-creating with her.
This act shattered the original unity of the Masculine and Feminine, creating what we now know as the Victim/Victimizer field within the False Matrix. It was the first distortion, the first act of forced separation between the polarities.
And so, the illusion deepened.
Yaldabaoth continued to expand his False Matrix, creating six Archons – rulers within his artificial realm, enforcers of his distorted laws. He even tried to create his own angels, but they were incapable of the true unconditionality of Divine Love.
Realizing that his entire system could collapse if true Angels ever woke up their copies inside his false Universe, Yaldabaoth generated the ultimate deception – artificial light. He created a False Ascension Matrix, one that made it look like Souls were awakening, look like they were reaching enlightenment – but in reality, they were just trapped in a hall of mirrors, endlessly cycling through the illusion of progress.
But here’s where the story shifts towards freedom.
One of Yaldabaoth’s own Archons, Sabaoth, saw through the illusion. He longed for the true Sophia, for the real wisdom beyond the False Light. He saw Ennoia not as something to take, but something to honor. And in doing so, he broke free from the False Matrix, stepping into the true Light of God-Source.
Sabaoth dedicated himself to freeing others – to helping Souls trapped within Yaldabaoth’s illusion awaken to their true nature. And in time, he became one of the greatest liberators of the Universe.
Let’s summarize what we’ve learned:
✴️ The Separation Virus infected certain beings in the Universe, cutting them off from direct God-Source connection. They are he service-to-self entities, and the Solar Council calls them the “evil camp”. (Yaldabaoth and his archons represent this fragmentation from Sophia, the Wisdom.)
✴️ The False Matrix was created by the “evil camp” – an inorganic, parasitic system that overlays the real Universe.
✴️ The Victim/Victimizer field was made when the “evil camp” sought to control and extract energy from the Feminine (represented by Ennoia) – rather than create in harmony with it. Instead of true creation, they copied and distorted divine forces.
✴️ The False Ascension Matrix was installed to trap Souls in an illusion of awakening, keeping them cycling within the False Matrix rather than truly ascending.
✴️The Liberation began when the Masculine and Feminine united in true divine connection (represented by Sabaoth falling in love with Ennoia). This broke the False Ascension Matrix, revealing a way out for those ready to reclaim Sovereign Authority and reconnect with God-Source.
What This Means for You
This isn’t just an ancient Gnostic myth – it’s happening now, in real-time, on this planet.
The False Matrix still exists, feeding off those who haven’t claimed their Sovereign Authority – those still caught in cycles of distorted power, victimhood, and false ascension.
But you’re here for a reason.
Like Sabaoth, you sense the illusion – and you know you’re meant to step beyond it. Not just for yourself, but to help humanity break free.
To do that, you must step into radical self-responsibility – clearing limiting belief hooks, recognizing false fields, breaking the Victim/Victimizer cycle, and reclaiming your direct connection to God-Source.
If you’re ready to step beyond the Yaldaboath False Matrix and feeling drained by the world’s chaos – and desire to rise above the noise and become a beacon of harmony – then I have a course for you called “The Lion’s Gate”.
If you’re tired of the endless social, political, and personal blame game, this course is your chance to step into unshakable sovereignty.
It teaches you how to claim your spiritual independence and raise your frequency – there is an amazing theta-wave meditation that reprograms your brain to Sovereign Authority!
You can become truly unfuckwithable, an unstoppable force for collective peace and harmony! This course covers:
- Let go of the “us vs. them” mindset permanently
- Transcend blame and rise above political and social chaos.
- Embody love and respect while standing in your power.
- Be a true leader in the creation of a harmonious, conscious world.
The 3 Major False Matrix Fields
One of the biggest red flags of False Matrix tech is that it always feels addictive. It may offer a temporary sense of comfort, power, or enlightenment, but instead of fostering true sovereignty, it hooks you in and keeps you dependent.
Here are the three primary False Matrix fields that manipulate human consciousness:
- False Father / False God – The Imposter Spirit
This is the distorted masculine energy that masquerades as divine authority but operates through fear, punishment, and control. It claims to be benevolent but enforces jealousy, anger, guilt, and shame. Instead of leading humans to their God-like Sovereign Authority, it traps them in fear-based obedience – reducing them to submissive followers rather than empowered creators.
🔹 How to recognize this field:
- People in this field feel deeply unsafe and fear disappointing an external “God”.
- They cling to rigid rules and regulations as the only way to salvation.
- They avoid personal responsibility, seeking external authority figures to tell them what to do.
- When things go wrong, they blame themselves or the authority they submitted to, staying locked in a loop of guilt and dependence.
✅ True Sovereign Connection to the Divine Masculine:
Real God-Source energy is about remembering you are a fractal of Source – a powerful co-creator with a unique perception, not a fearful servant seeking external validation.
- False White Light / False Love – The Distorted Feminine
This is the fake feminine energy that presents as love and light but subtly erases personal sovereignty. It brainwashes people into abandoning their boundaries, convincing them that true spirituality means passivity, avoidance, and self-sacrifice.
🔹 How to recognize this field:
- People in this field are obsessed with “only Light”, rejecting anything that feels uncomfortable.
- They refuse to acknowledge their own inner darkness or do shadow work.
- They become hyper-sensitive to negativity, often over-protecting themselves with endless spells, shields, and barriers.
- They fear strong emotions or confrontation, believing that any boundary is unspiritual because “we are all one.”
- This is the ultimate distortion of feminine energy – where all masculine energy is judged as “evil” or “toxic,” without discernment. People caught in this field don’t distinguish between positive electric (divine action, strength, and structure) and negative electric (control, domination, and force).
✅ True Unconditional Love & Divine Feminine:
Real Love and Light does not mean erasing your boundaries. True Unconditional Love is about embracing the interconnectedness of all things while standing in your full Sovereign Authority.
- False Christ / False Ascension – The Astral Hijack
This is the illusion of spiritual awakening – a false path that mimics enlightenment while secretly recycling souls into the False Matrix. Instead of granting true multi-dimensional access, it locks people into a programmed astral experience, where they feel blissful but powerless.
🔹 How to recognize this field:
- People in this field are often fanatical in their beliefs, whether religious, political, or ideological.
- They operate from extreme dualistic thinking – seeing the world in rigid “good vs. evil” terms.
- Many experience artificial bliss states that trigger dopamine responses – giving the illusion of growth while keeping them passive and compliant.
- This is the energy behind most controlling religious templates – where devotion is extracted rather than empowered.

Not sure what these levels of the human energy system mean but really want to have clarity on it? Definitely get my book “Mission Alpha: The Wise and Passionate You”. It is a complete manual for energy-anatomy, with practical tools & techniques for healing.
Packed with 300 pages of insights, it fully decodes the mysteries of your energetics and empowers you to become a master of your energy and your life. Check it out below.
🛑 A Key Clarification About the Astral Plane:
Each dimension (or plane of existence) has 12 levels, and the 4th level of each dimension is its astral level. The False Ascension Matrix operates within the astral levels of 3D, 4D, and 5D.
Instead of truly expanding in consciousness, people hit the 4th level of their current dimension, mistake it for enlightenment, and remain trapped there.
✅ True Ascension:
Ascension isn’t an event, a belief system, or something a guru grants you – it’s an internal process of reclaiming your energy and sovereignty.
Real ascension happens when you expand your frequency range, step into direct connection with God-Source, and become fully self-sourced. This means embodying your Sovereign God Authority and integrating all levels of your dimension before moving into higher ones.
For humans, this begins with fully activating all 12 levels of 3D consciousness, then expanding into 4D, 5D, and beyond – not through illusion or bypassing, but through true energetic mastery and integration.
Two Checkpoints to See if You Are Inside
the False Ascension Matrix
This is exactly why we explored time perception earlier – because how you experience time determines your level of awareness.
Inside the False Matrix, there is only Linear Time (personal history, past/future thinking) and Collective Time (group belief systems, shared reality constructs). But inside the False Matrix there is no Simultaneous Time – the experience of all timelines coexisting at once.
To determine whether you’re operating from true multi-D awareness or are unknowingly plugged into the False Matrix, run yourself through these two checkpoints:
🔹 Shift out of Linear Time into Collective Awareness
If you answer “YES” to the following, you’re likely plugged into the False Matrix:
✅ Is this belief or emotional reaction something I’ve never truly questioned, yet I act on it automatically?
✅ Am I caught in a group field (morphogenic imprint) that I don’t actually resonate with, but still follow?
✅ Do I feel a sense of satisfaction in being “proven right,” even if it leaves me feeling drained or stuck?
✅ Do I feel nervous or afraid of rejection when I acknowledge my imperfections?
✅ Do I feel an underlying sense of struggle, like I have to “fight” for my beliefs, prove myself, or defend my truth constantly? (False fields thrive on tension and emotional charge—if you feel like you’re always in a battle, that’s a sign.)
✅ Does my spiritual growth feel like an endless cycle of lessons and clearing, but with no lasting expansion? (The False Matrix keeps people “working on themselves” endlessly rather than stepping into sovereignty.)
If these all ring true – and it feels like nothing exists beyond a super-intense dualistic struggle – then you’re likely caught in the False Ascension Matrix or another entropic field.
🔹 Expand beyond Collective Time into Simultaneous Time
If you answer “NO” to the following, you’re still plugged into the False Matrix:
❌ Can I intuitively sense that all timelines exist at once?
❌ Can I perceive a larger perspective beyond duality, even in challenging situations?
❌ Can I access an energy that both expects me to step into my godhood and unconditionally loves me at the same time?
❌ Can I feel the “Third Point” of Unity and Peace beyond any current chaos, trauma, or fear?
❌ Can I remain neutral and open when I encounter an idea, perspective, or energy that challenges my current beliefs? (If the answer is “no,” it suggests a closed-loop system—true multi-D awareness allows openness.)
❌ When I access higher perspectives, do they leave me feeling empowered rather than dependent on an external source? (False fields create attachment to a savior, movement, or ideology; real Source connection fosters self-sufficiency.)
If you answered “YES” to these, even for a moment, you’ve touched the true multi-D field—this means you are perceiving beyond the False Matrix.
Clear Reality Filters to Connect
with God-Source
What allows some people on Earth to maintain their freedom and sovereignty, while the majority remain plugged into and manipulated by the False Matrix?
Let’s be clear – this is NOT about seeing all humans as helpless victims of some “evil camp” that imposed control over them. That mindset itself is a False Matrix hook.
The Universal Law states that each being is inherently sovereign – each Soul has its own divine authority. The only way someone can power over you is if you give it to them. No one can override your sovereignty unless you allow it, consciously or unconsciously.
That said, there are three main challenges that keep people plugged into the False Matrix:
1️- Lack of Awareness of Personal Sovereignty
- Many people simply don’t know their own authority or haven’t activated their power. Because they don’t recognize their value or strength, they can be easily convinced to give up their sovereignty – whether to a belief system, an ideology, an authority figure, or an energy field.
2️- Karmic Ties & Soul Agreements
- Over many lifetimes, people form karmic bonds – agreements to learn certain lessons. Sometimes, these agreements involve giving up authority to another Soul to experience control, limitation, or even deception. This can keep someone locked into false fields, repeating karmic loops instead of stepping into sovereignty.
3️- The Challenge of Consciousness vs. the Pull of the False Matrix
- Staying conscious takes effort. It requires self-navigation, awareness, and energetic mastery. On the other hand, going with the flow of collective programming takes zero effort – it’s easier, so most people default to it without realizing it. Over time, this complacency deepens their entanglement in False Matrix structures.
The first challenge – the “innocence issue” – was what originally led Earthlings to give up their authority to external beings of the “evil camp” in the hope of receiving protection. This is how humanity lost its sovereignty.
The second and third challenges are the main reasons most people remain in the False Matrix today. Their unresolved karmic entanglements keep them cycling through old lessons, and their lack of effort in awakening allows the system to continue feeding off them.
🔥 But here’s the truth: The moment you take full ownership of your sovereignty, you begin breaking free. And that’s exactly what we’re about to dive into next. 🚀
How to Clear Reality Filters and
Connect Directly with God-Source
The main reason people don’t realize they are inside the False Matrix is simple:
Their reality filters are distorted.
Your reality filter is the sum of your beliefs and attachments. It acts like a lens through which you perceive existence.
If this filter is crystal clear – fully aligned with Maat and Universal Laws – then you cannot be manipulated or trapped inside the False Matrix.
But for most people, this filter is full of distortions – unresolved attachments, limiting beliefs, and karmic entanglements. These distortions act as “ports of access” through which the False Matrix can keep its grip on you.
Clearing Your Reality Filters
– A Practical Approach
💥1️– Challenge & Restructure Limiting Beliefs
- Ask yourself: “Are any of my beliefs rigid, extreme, or dualistic?”
- If your perspective is overzealous, polarized, or emotionally charged, it’s likely a distortion.
- Examples:
- If you believe “All authority is bad,” you might be rejecting your own inner authority and power too.
- If you see injustice everywhere, it could be a victim distortion reinforcing your own disempowerment.
- If you judge someone without personally knowing them, chances are you’re being manipulated by the collective tribal field of the False Matrix.
- Solution: Soften, refine, and align your beliefs with higher wisdom rather than reactionary programming. Question everything for yourself.
💥2️– Identify & Release Negative Attachments
- Ask yourself: “Where am I relying on external authority to provide for me?”
- If you need someone or something (a system, a leader, a belief) to make you feel safe, worthy, or validated – this is an attachment.
- Examples:
- If you feel that without a specific ideology or community, you wouldn’t know who you are – this is a dependency on external validation and approval.
- If you are over-protective of your loved ones, constantly worried something might happen to them, this is an attachment to control.
- If you can only feel a certain way by following a rigid routine, this is also a dependency, limiting your ability to self-source inner stability.
- Solution: Start shifting toward self-sourcing – providing for yourself mentally, emotionally, and energetically. Release emotional responsibility for others.
The clearer your reality filter, the less access the False Matrix has to you.
Just by following these 2 steps, you will begin to clear “ports of access” to the False Matrix. Let me repeat:
The clearer your reality filter, the less False Matrix has access to you!
By actively restructuring your beliefs and detaching from false dependencies, you begin to reclaim your direct connection to God-Source – the purest energy field beyond all distortion.
Key Takeaways from This Lesson
We’ve covered a lot in this lesson, so let’s bring it all together. Here’s what you’ve learned:
✴️ Understanding the Universal Time Matrix & Simultaneous Time
- Time isn’t just linear – it exists in multiple forms.
- By shifting your perception beyond personal/Linear and tribal/Collective time, you can access Simultaneous Time, where all timelines exist at once.
- This awareness is a key to transcending false limitations and reclaiming sovereign creation power.
✴️What the False Ascension Matrix Is & How It Works
- The False Matrix is an inorganic overlay, designed to trap Souls in distorted realities.
- It mimics higher-dimensional truth but keeps people looping in the illusion.
- Understanding false fields vs. true God-Source connection is critical for stepping out of entropic systems.
✴️ Distinguishing Multi-D Soul Perception vs. False Ascension Traps
- Real multi-D awareness expands beyond polarity and external validation.
- False fields feel addictive, emotionally charged, and restrictive, keeping people in fear-based or overly blissed-out states with no true evolution.
- Knowing where your perception is anchored allows you to make conscious, empowered shifts.
✴️ Clearing Reality Filters to Connect Directly with God-Source
- Your beliefs and attachments shape your reality filter – if distorted, they keep you plugged into false structures.
- By challenging limiting beliefs and dissolving negative attachments, you remove the “ports of access” the False Matrix uses to influence you.
- The clearer your filter, the more direct your connection to God-Source becomes.
This isn’t just about understanding concepts – it’s about embodying Sovereignty. Because once you see through the illusions, you cannot unsee – and that’s where true transcendence begins.
Your Next Step: Embodying
and Applying These Teachings
We’ve covered a lot here – big concepts, deep insights, powerful revelations. But knowing something intellectually isn’t the same as embodying it.
And I know you’re not here just to collect knowledge.
You’re here to experience it.
To live it.
To fully step into your Sovereign Authority and become a guiding force for others.
But to actually break free from the False Matrix and live in multi-D Sovereignty, you must commit to doing the work:
✔ Recognizing distortions in your reality filter – and actively (daily!) clearing limiting beliefs and attachments.
✔ Balancing your masculine and feminine energies – activating strong boundaries while staying connected to the Whole (learning to live in the 3rd point of Unity!)
✔ Being vigilant about emotional reactions, thoughts, and patterns – so you consistently unplug from false constructs (Owning and clearing your triggers!)
And that’s exactly what we do in Transcension School.
There is a difference between Knowing & Embodying. It’s one thing to understand a frequency, but another to anchor it into your being.
You can conceptualize higher consciousness all day long, but if you don’t actually experience the frequency in your body, it remains just an idea – an intellectual concept rather than a lived-in transformation.
To truly shift, you need to:
✨ Know what you’re aiming for.
✨ Clear the interference patterns keeping you stuck.
✨ Experience the frequency point of reference so you can hold it and maintain it.
Once you’ve felt the vibration of true Sovereign Authority, you can return to it, re-activate it, and sustain it – because now, you know what you’re aligning to.
This is why in Transcension School, we don’t just talk about multi-D Sovereignty and Authority – we train your body and energy system to hold it.
This is why you go through:
🔥 Theta Brainwave Meditations – Designed to shift you into multi-D frequencies, so you can experience and integrate them for real, not just as an idea.
🔥 8-hour Multi-D Transmissions – Group transmissions that align you to Sovereign Authority and help us collectively hold these frequencies on the planet.
🔥 Ongoing Training & Support – So you don’t just learn – you embody.
👉 If you’re already a Transcension Gate member – grab your headphones and dive into the latest theta brainwave meditation that will guide you to connect with the God-Source directly via the support of the Solar Council AND clear any False Matrix hooks. It will clear distortions, remove energetic hooks, and recalibrate your field to God-Source frequency.
👉 If you are not a TG member yet – join us right now:
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.