For People who want to activate their body’s healing powers
Health Blueprint Sync©
Neuro-Sync with God-Source,
Heal Your Body
With the The Power of Your Energetics & Guides.

♥ Have you always known that your body has the potential to heal itself, even if you haven’t fully tapped into that power yet?
♥ Have you struggled with pain, inflammation, sensitivity, and felt like conventional treatments haven’t been effective?
♥ Do you believe in the power of Divine Guidance and want to learn how to incorporate energetic support from God-Source and your Angels and Guides into your wellness journey to experience lasting healing?
You came into this lifetime equipped
with a "medical team" of Guides,
with Angels watching over you,
with the healing power of God-Source.
Do you receive it?
♦ Do you allow yourself to BE healed? Or are you too busy “searching for solutions”?
♦ Have you noticed that your “healing blueprint” is always here for you, but it is you that might be blocking your body’s alignment to it?
♦ Have you realized that healing your body’s pain, inflammation, structural issues, etc. is not only about taking the correct action in the material world, but also BE-ing in the correct frequency of vibration?
♦ Do you know that your karmic overlays and collective human fields can be blocking your healing process – and if these influences are released, no matter where you are in your life or how many times you’ve tried and failed before; no matter what obstacles stand in your way, you can facilitate your own healing?
♦ Have you ever opened up to the Guides and Angels that are – if you open yourself up to the healing power of God-Source, you can be healed.

The pure healing energy of God-Source with the gentle support of your Angels & Guides, is always here for you. Their energy resonance, paired with the multidimensional Elemental healing energies, will help you tap into the magic powers of your Health Blueprint.
💙Reconnect you with your Body's intelligence;
💙Reactivate your link to your "medical team" of special Energy Guides;
💙Reaffirm your Faith and open to receive Healing from God-Source.

♥ By neuro-syncing with your Health Blueprint you jumpstart your body’s intelligence so that it can properly repair your brain, cells, and function.
♥ By reactivating your link to your own “medical team” of special energy guides you are able to invite targeted support and visiting specialists so that you can have support for any specific situation that might arise in your body!
♥ By uncovering the energetic cause and mastering the elements you finally can release the karmic blockages, environmental influences, and collective human programming, and make progress on healing yourself.
♥ By reaffirming your Faith and allowing yourself to trust, you are opening your capacity to receive non-linear/spontaneous healing.
What you'll Learn >>
💙Reconnect with your body’s intelligence and jumpstart its healing process.
💙Reactivate your link to your “medical team” of energy Guides for targeted support.
💙Release karmic blockages and collective influences that are holding back your healing.
💙Open your faith and trust to receive spontaneous and non-linear healing from God-Source.
8 Transformational Video Lessons
4 Multi-Dimensional Theta Brainwave Meditations
Powerful Journal Prompts to deepen your journey
Audios & Transcripts for learning on-the-g0
<< What's Included
inside the health blueprint sync© course
Healing Sensitivity, Pain, Brain, Nerves, Sleep with Air Elemental & Angelic Love Codes
Experience true support on your healing journey by calling in the guidance of the “medical team” and Angels. Find relief from sensitivity, body aches, brain fog, nerve stress, and sleep issues by tapping into your Health Blueprint and aligning with your body’s natural healing abilities. Release outdated ancestral programming and embrace your unique individuality and freedom. Communicate with confidence and clarity, allowing solutions to flow effortlessly. Heal overstimulation in your body through playful interactions with the Angels.
Healing Inflammation, Auto-Immune, Gut, Allergies with Fire Elemental & Stellar Light Codes
Activate the power of the Sun and infuse your Health Blueprint with starlight, supported by your ‘medical team’. Ground yourself in safety and passion, transmuting struggle into vitality and positivity. Alchemize imbalances in inflammation, auto-immune function, gut health, and allergies into a harmonious and balanced state. Shift your perception of danger towards compassionate support, transform your PTSD fight-response into a state of calm and peace, and replace struggle with patience and aligned action.
Healing Lungs, Skin, Kidneys, Lymph, Bladder, Dehydration with Water Elemental & Ocean’s Crystalline Codes
Experience deep nourishment as you activate the Crystalline Codes of the Oceans and receive guidance from your Health Blueprint to regenerate, repair, and rejuvenate your body. Enlist the support of your ‘medical team’ to repair your tissues and skin, and to heal your organs. Rejuvenate your kidneys so they can handle stress in a healthy way, heal your lymphatic system to naturally clear toxins from your body, and free your lungs from sadness. Alleviate circulation issues and reveal and heal inner dehydration.
Healing Bones, Ligaments, Muscles, Eyes, Fat with Earth Elemental & Planetary Support Codes
Activate your stability and strength by tapping into the specific Earth codes of your Health Blueprint. With the guidance of your ‘medical team’, strengthen and repair your cells and DNA, promote the structural integrity of your bones, ligaments, and tendons, repair and strengthen your muscles. Allow your eyes and optic nerves be healed for improved health, vision and clarity. Transform lack of vitality, inflexibility, or confusion into grounded strength and resilience so you can approach life with confidence and trust in your own healing abilities.
Meet Eugenia Oganova
Eugenia Oganova is an international leader in personal transformation, a Transcension Mentor and Spiritual Business Coachwith almost three decades of experience. She is the creator of the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method and the Transcension Method – systems that allow you to step into Self-Mastery and multi-D Abundance. She teaches practical strategies for Self-Love, Sovereignty, inner Authority, Abundance, and Soul-led Business.
Eugenia supports conscious leaders in accessing their unique Soul Design Strategy, their innate expertise, so they can confidently realize their purpose and manifest their Soul Mission (and get paid well for doing it).
Eugenia has traveled the world teaching her methodology and wisdom in 27 countries, took people to sacred sites around the globe. She’s clairvoyant since birth, a self-made multi-millionaire, and has been featured in over 100 networks and publications.
Eugenia is an internationally best-selling author of 4 books:
💥 “Wealth by Soul Design© – Scale Your Spiritual Business to Multi-6 or 7-figures by Leveraging Your Inner Magic” (Create Soul-led biz for Healers & Coaches)
💥 “Mission Alpha – The Wise and Passionate You” (a Manual for human Energy-anatomy)
💥“Awakening the Harmony Within – How to Create with Spirit” (a comprehensive and practical explanation of how to take charge of your Personal Reality)
💥 “The Secret of Sekhmet – Why Akhenaten Challenged the Gods of Egypt” (a metaphysical historical mystery novel based on Eugenia’s direct memory of her own lifetime at that historic period).

What 98 clients who went through this Course say...
The MerKaBa Mastery Course is based on Eugenia's TRANSCENSION METHOD©
The Transcension Method©
Eugenia Oganova's transformational system
for conscious Self-Mastery
& permanent karmic resolution.
Transcend conditioning & limitations, activate Wealth Energetics,
embody multi-dimensional frequencies, & lead a deeply meaningful life.