Spiritual Business Courses
for Conscious Leaders, Mentors & Healers

♥ Why you have inconsistency in your coaching business and why what you were taught you ‘need ‘won’t work;
♥ The true solution to this inconsistency (linked to the Quantum creation!) and why it didn’t work before;
♥ Specific steps to take to make it happen!

♥ Two misconceptions that make you work way too hard and the real reason there is no ease in your coaching business;
♥ Why being able to clearly articulate the value of your intangible work is one of the keys to ease in your business;
♥ What belief must you change to create ease and flow.

♥ Why selling spiritual-type offer is not any different than selling business coaching or consulting;
♥ The biggest mistake you are probably making in your marketing right now that sabotages your ability to sell your higher-ticket offer;
♥ Specific steps you need to take to fix this!


♦ Quantum attraction requirement without which you cannot create success;
♦ How to access the Quantum anchor point for what you are craving and create from it;
♦ Activate your hidden Soul drive that will keep you motivated and allow you to fully open up to receive;
♦ How to clean up what is in the way of receiving what Universe has for you;
♦ Where the knowledge of “what to do next” really comes from;
♦ How to fuel your Quantum creation by re-learning how to properly parent (and heal!) your inner child;
♦ How to remain Soul-aligned at all times and follow through with actions that match your unique self.

♥ LESSON 1: EXPAND YOUR WEALTH CONTAINER >>> Uncover your unique Soul Design so you can step into your natural rhythm to attract & hold more wealth.
♥ LESSON 2: WEALTH ENERGETICS OF BRANDING & POSITIONING >>> Learn the very system I used to build a multi-6-figure brand by uncovering & embodying your Soul Expertise to stand out in your industry.
♥ LESSON 3: WEALTH ENERGETICS OF HIGH QUALITY CLIENTS >>> Learn how to confidently and effectively speak your message to activate a consistent flow of premium clients.
♥ LESSON 4: WEALTH ENERGETICS OF MONEY >>> Clear energetic limitations holding you back from attracting money, and learn to position yourself to get paid consistently.
♥ LESSON 5: WEALTH ENERGETICS OF SACRED SALES >>> Activate the Energetics of Vision-based sales vs Problem-based sales so you can sell your premium offers with ease.

♥ LESSON 1: How to unlearn the mindset that’s keeping you at 6 figures and reprogram your mind to 7 figures with LESS work.
♥ LESSON 2: My 3-step process to get insane clarity around what you should focus on to create next level, soul-aligned results
♥ LESSON 3: A simple shift to always be in flow, so you can avoid getting stuck and create anything you desire in your business at your own pace
♥ LESSON 4: I’ll reveal the KEY to becoming the 7-figure business owner while sharing your message on a LARGER scale
♥ LESSON 5: My Conscious Future approach to getting the right people to see the value in your work and consistently selling out your high-ticket offers.

Spiritual "non-business" Courses
for Conscious Starseeds

Activate your Love Resonance frequency
10 guided experientials
The guided MEDITATION recordings are ENERGY-CODED with audible/inaudible sounds (voice and sound) – imprinted with the energy of the Universal Love Resonance.
- Follow the voice guiding you through the steps of connecting to the Universal Love Resonance;
- Cleanup your sabotaging self-love patterns;
- Upgrade your access to the Universal Love Resonance;
- This series of energy-upgrades to your field includes: Self-Worth Code || Self-Forgiveness Pattern Activators || Personal Truth Alignment || Acceptance || Safety, Inspiration || Passionate Caring || Violet Flame Activation || Expanding Possibilities || Self-Sourcing Love;
- These studio recordings have audible and inaudible sounds and must be listened to in headphones. It is like being submerged in the Universal Love Resonance as you are learning how to hold that type of charge in your own energy field.
- The recordings are ENERGY-CODED – they are imprinted with the energy of the Universal Love Resonance.

boundary for emotionally sensitive people
30-min. webinar
Learn why you pick up other people’s energy and how to activate a natural boundary while enhancing your empathic ability! Includes MEDITATION to activate your boundary and PDF materials.
- Learn the difference between ability and skill;
- Why do you get overwhelmed by external energies;
- Learn about natural and artificial boundaries;
- Learn basic energy anatomy of your boundary;
- Learn how to stop picking up emotional energy of others and how to differentiate what is yours and what isn’t;
- How to stop being exhausted all the time;
- Guided experience to activate your own natural boundary.
- Includes PDF materials.
This is the basic to intermediate level course so if you are sensitive and open – you can easily follow through this course.

Advanced Chakra Activations
5-hour audio masterclass
This is a TEACHING, TRAINING, and EXPERIENTIAL event that guides you from basic to advanced Energy Anatomy. Includes BONUS – 4 Chakra Charts!
- Go chakra by chakra through your entire energy system anatomy;
- Learn the Energy Anatomy of your own field and begin to recognize the changes;
- Understand the meaning of each chakra and how to work with them;
- Learn how to cleanup and amplify your own energy;
- Experience the flow of life force in each chakra;
- Understand pleasure and responsibility inside your chakra system;
- Upgrade your vibrational quota to match the new planetary charges;
- Step into the high-vibe experience of your own energy system;
- Practice and anchor every step along the training with guided meditation experience.
- Includes BONUS – 4 Chakra Charts!

Claim your Worth & Self-Love
8 video-lesson activations
Are you ready to CLAIM your WORTH so that you no longer get stuck in NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, SELF-PITY, or the JUDGING SELF-TALK and can finally step into SELF-ENOUGHNESS?
- Learn step-by-step tools and navigate your own energy system with more clarity;
- Practice as many times as you want through 8 easy-to-follow meditations/experientials;
- Activate your Worth and self-Love by experiencing the energy encodements;
- Align with Universal Love Resonance and finally feel ENOUGH!
[This is the Sleeping for Enlightenment 2018 recording – if you have attended the live class in 2018, you have access to this already]

Transcend your Negative Emotions
mini video lesson
Harmonize negative emotions into positive by tracking them in your field, resonate with the Unconditional Love frequency. Includes CHECKLIST.
- Learn to notice your negative habitual emotional reactions and clean them up;
- Locate the negative emotion that triggers you/traps you in your field;
- Learn to calibrate your Unconditional Love body and your Emotional body in order to transmute the negative emotion.
- Includes a CHECKLIST to help you follow through.

Transcend your Self-Pity
mini video lesson
Learn to STOP feeling sorry for yourself and finally step into your power! Transmute Pity into Love and let negative comfort go. Includes CHECKLIST.
- Learn the difference between Loving yourself vs “feeling sorry for yourself”;
- Connect to Oneness energy to re-set yourself;
- Find strength to take responsibility by understanding your energy configuration;
- Redirect desire to self-comfort into the Universal Oneness Love resonance;
- Includes a CHECKLIST to help you follow through.

Transcend your Negative Thoughts
mini video lesson
Gain control over your negative mental loops and REDIRECT your thought into a different pattern (a better habit!) Includes CHECKLIST.
- Learn to recognize negative habitual thoughts in your energy field;
- Notice the specific triggers and pathway cascades;
- Train yourself to redirect the thoughts energetically into new pathways!
- Includes a CHECKLIST to help you follow through.

4 keys to your soul library
1-hour webinar
Stop guessing your Soul’s answers and get my step-by-step instructions on how to UNLOCK your inner Soul Library and what sabotaging tactics to watch out for, so that you can step into your Soul’s Mission with EASE and CONFIDENCE. Includes CHECKLISTS & Guided MEDITATION PDF notes.
- The special 4 KEYS to unlock your Soul Library so that you no longer struggle with feeling overwhelmed or that you don’t matter, and instead live from your Soul Wisdom;
- 8 way we sabotage these 4 keys from opening the Soul Library and how to recognize these patterns (CHECKLIST included);
- How your INNER Soul Library CONNECTS you to the Universal KNOWLEDGE and how you CONTRIBUTE to it;
- Experiential MEDITATION to ALIGN your 4 KEYS and OPEN your Soul Library today! (Guided Meditation notes included).
This is the intermediate level so if you are sensitive and open – you can easily follow through this course.

Universal Intelligence
1-hour webinar
Multidimensional teaching/training on Stargates and living linked to the Universal Intelligence. Includes extended Solar Council MEDITATION, energy ACTIVATION to access YOUR own path to the Universal Intelligence!
- Meet the Solar Council & experience their energy;
- Stargates as energy spheres – what are they and how they work;
- Multidimensional travel through these stargates;
- Activate your internal technology – how this works;
- Universal Intelligence – what is it and how to live plugged in;
- Activate DNA wisdom codes – what you have pre-installed;
- Internal and External technology – similarities and differences;
- the 11th chakra membrane as an access portal to your own stargate;
- 6 requirements to access Universal Intelligence – you must know prerequisites for successful activation;
- Extended MEDITATION with the Solar Council, energy ACTIVATION to access YOUR own path to the Universal Intelligence!
This is the intermediate to advanced level so if you are sensitive, open to new concepts, and want to experience multidimensional energies – you can easily follow through this course.
[This is the Divine2Divine 2019 recording]