The Solar Council mini-course

The Language of Light mini-course

How to Work with Eugenia & the Solar Council

Meet Eugenia Oganova
Eugenia Oganova is a Transcension© mentor, Soul Design© guide, Business Strategist, and a Wealth Energetics and Quantum Messaging Coach with over 20 years of experience.
She has traveled the world (27 countries) sharing her methodology and wisdom, taught over 250 live programs and courses, took people to sacred sites around the globe, and has been featured in over 100 networks and publications. She’s a self-made millionaire in the Personal Transformation and Conscious Business niche.
Eugenia is a best-selling author of 3 books: “Mission Alpha – The Wise and Passionate You” (a manual for human energy-anatomy), “Awakening the Harmony Within – How to Create with Spirit” (a comprehensive and practical explanation of how to take charge of your Personal Reality), and “The Secret of Sekhmet – Why Akhenaten Challenged the Gods of Egypt” (a metaphysical historical mystery novel based on Eugenia’s direct memory of her own lifetime at that historic period).
Eugenia is the creator the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method© and the Transcension Method© – Quantum strategies with practical Love, Sovereignty, Authority, Mastery, and soulful Business training based on your unique Soul Design© Wealth Energetics. She ignites conscious leaders in accessing their unique Soul Design©, their innate expertise and energy signature, so they can confidently realize their Life Purpose and manifest their Soul Mission (and get paid well for doing it).
She specialized in activating Soul Design Profit Potential and Wealth Energetics to help conscious leaders and coaches sustainably scale into multiple-6 and 7-figures, without forcing themselves to work harder, by weaving Masculine Business Strategy to Feminine Quantum Energetics, and customizing with their unique Soul Design & Mission.
Not a typical writer, teacher, or a business coach: Eugenia is multidimensionally clairvoyant and she uses her extraordinary abilities to download information and support her clients in addition to solid transpersonal psychology and authentic business strategies.