Akanke Adefunmi
Mind Your Business:
4 Steps to Confidence, Clarity and Consistent Cash
A Free Gift for You:
6 Practices To Combat Self-Doubt, Uncertainty & Overwhelm
Akanke Adefunmi works with women entrepreneurs and leaders who are struggling with overwhelm, self-doubt, and feeling scattered or unclear. She helps them to be focused, decisive action-takers with massive confidence… so they can actually achieve (not simply talk about), the success and freedom they dream about.
She has provided her clients with a unique pathway for gaining clarity, staying focused and consistent, and building massive confidence so they can make the impact – and the income – they pictured when they first started their business.
Akanke is a certified coach, Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, founder of Claim Your Shero and the organizer of the Facebook group called Women Playing Bigger in Business.
Connect with Akanke
WEBSITE: http://www.claimyourshero.com/
FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenplayingbiggerinbusiness/
FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/claimyourshero/